Hi, it's me?

Basically what it looked like in my child-like brain when I watched it live. Now what I see on TV..well.

Great! I'm sure your Nobel Prize will be coming any day now. Did you have to do research and study for years to come up with that, or did it just come to you? I especially like the part where you say, "As the photons travels... they slow in speed and this is what we see as "red shift"." That's pure gold!

1) Photons are not half-matter and half-energy. They are a particle-wave with no mass. And since all matter is capable of being changed to pure energy in the right conditions (E=mc^2), all that's unique about the photon is that it's a lot easier to do that when the particle has no inertia. You simply have to stop it

Oh and the term you're looking for is 'straw man argument'- arguing against someone by refuting something that isn't actually what they said. I literally argued against what you said, point by point, with in-context quotes.

Overgeneralising much? 'All you do...' is a hell of a thing to glean from a few paragraphs; 'in the UK the way to argue...' is a hell of a thing to glean form one person. You've been pretty vicious with a fair few unjustified personal attacks; from that I assume that you're not going to be swayed by any form of

Any statistics for this? It certainly isn't the case in the UK- I've volunteered in a few homeless shelters and found, as a general rule, those with the least take the most care to keep what they have got tidy and clean. Also, in the UK, we have a policy that nobody is allowed to sleep on the streets for more than 5

You think that society is formed by unorganized voluntary association? Which society is this supposed to be? The courts and your government will disagree, which brings us back to the point of his assertion being "asinine". I know that anarchism is the new "in" thing among a subset of conservatives and liberals, but

You trading one evil (big gov) for another (big business). Why? What have they done to deserve our trust? BP didn't pay out for their Gulf oil spill because their civic duty or a sense of responsibility - rather they got the crap sued out of them. Even afterwards, BP spent more money on advertising/marketing their

I know. But it's still a choice of words I find troublesome, as it's essentially measuring the worth of human beings by pre-Industrial Revolution economy standards.

That would be where the aforementioned "social safety net" would come into play, since this would provide education, addiction treatment programs and various other services to help people out.

And that used to be funded by a government that gave a shit about its citizens.

The overwhelming majority of homeless are indeed also suffering from mental health issues. In fact, in my city, most of the hospital districts have their own team of people who walk the streets and try to deliver mental healthcare to these individuals.

Quite an interesting program and filled with some of the loveliest

It's almost like Reagan shouldn't have closed the asylums in the 80's or something. The deeply homeless are broken people. As much as we like our "Bootstraps and Bread Lines" attitude, a number of these people just CAN'T work right if you leave them to their own devices. They are Unwell.

"It's natural to not want them hanging outside your apartment window while you sleep or greeting your children on the way in from school. That's not "corporate hygiene." Are those not human considerations?"

Right, but here's where human compassion or human disdain start so reveal itself in other people. In this

There is a wider problem, too. These measures do not and cannot distinguish the "vagrant" posterior from others considered more deserving.

My shitty city has declared all public property to be private at sunset.

Yeah, after all- out of sight, out of mind.

Why do we want all spaces to be welcoming of anyone, all the time?

That's laudable of you! What steps are you taking to ameliorate the problem of their homelessness, so they don't have to?

How a community treats it's homeless and less fortunate speaks volumes about it.