Hi, it's me?


For a halloween costume? You bet.

I think people aren't realizing that no one actually cared about The Dress. It just gave everyone something stupid and meaningless and therefore harmless to yell about. It's a high stress world. Let us have something dumb to take sides on. We'll go right back to actually hating each other the next day.

Correct, there wasn't a maze at all in the book, just a bunch of topiary animals that came to life. They couldn't figure out a way to do animatronic topiaries convincingly in 1979-1980, so they were replaced by the hedge maze for the movie.

I mean, sure, who needs OSHA or safety inspections, or building regulations or anything like that? I mean, hey, the world is a dangerous place but we're adults, figure it out, people!!

Right. I think right now it's funny in parts. Larry doesn't have a shtick like Colbert and the panel format sacrifices some humor for the sake of discussion, which I think is fine. The monologue portion could use some work to make up for that

Yes, Asian men are privileged in many aspects of society, however, in this particular context, interracial dating, it's quite appropriate.

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.


People call Chelsea Manning a traitor all the time, and it's very optimistic to assume she'll be pardoned in a few years. She's also in a maximum security prison right now.

Goddamn way too many tabs open

"I'll take my chances, it's very important to get it done today."

Part of me is pretty disappointed that you made a fish suffer on a whim.

I have Magic.

step 1: stalk yourself. how easy are you to stalk? could you rape you?

Sue the FUCK out of them.

There are some things that are not worth trying to troll and start a fight with. Sadly, Olbermann couldn't leave well enough alone. The students have raised money to help find a cure for pediatric cancer for years. Trying to associate their cause to the Sandusky matter is not only stupid, but misguided. His rant a few

The original tagging of him was "pitiful." Olbermann has attacked PSU, alums, and students for supporting and celebrating a man who de facto condoned child rape.

Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do