Hi, it's me?

There is still a lot of pronunciation change going on. If you watch 60s TV, they pronounce robot "ro-BUTT", and that's gone by around the 70s. And there is the Great Northern City Vowel Shift, which is still on going right now (because the shift stops exactly on the US-Canadian border, you can hear the difference

Only semi-related: I was recently reading an Arthur Clarke novel (I think it was The City and the Stars) and there was some throw in line about how audio recording had long since frozen accents and pronunciation in place. That's something I'd never thought of, but it made sense. Our current ways of pronouncing words

Ruining a language is often the cry of those in charge who are frightened of those people and their weird ways destroying life for decent folk. If elites declare a certain way of speaking as inferior it allows them to exclude anybody who speaks that way because why would one associate with inferior people?

I see 'Kids these days' is nothing new.

Prescriptivists: never not on the wrong side of history.

A lot of us want to hear about it. One way or another, it is an important story. And when someone starts using these BS claims, it's best to know about them so you can refute them.

But like with many of the red-lined imgurs and conspiratorial posters that have fueled this controversial group for the past few months, all it takes is a little digging to uncover that this week's big GamerGate freakout is based on half-truths, flimsy evidence, and claims that are, at best, totally misleading.

Jim, I do not think you are respecting the integrity of the #brand's visual identity guidelines.

The only one I could really buy is Christopher Meloni, because I've heard the L&O actors have to really immerse themselves into the topics that come into play on the show, and SVU is basically nothing but sexual assault victims.

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

And what's the benefit of the NFL going with a cipher of a branding scheme, rather than with an actual nonprofit that does work or raises money? Seems pretty obvious: No More allows the NFL almost complete freedom to brand itself as deeply invested in women's issues.

Because every depiction of white people reflects back on all of you.

Probably not bomb testing, that appears to be some sort of small-scale sewage and water purification plant. Those round green spots appear to be underground solid waste separation tanks. Buried to keep the smell of sewage processing from getting out or perhaps to clean up byproducts of bomb related chemicals without

This place is a Google Maps wet dream of interesting stuff.

Great big yard with a several feet tall stockade full of blow-ed up shit. And solar panels because we care about the future.

Maybe the fact that it sounds like he followed notes from Central Casting?

This just goes to show that allyship is something you do, not something you are. No amount of parading around, declaring yourself to be a good male feminist (or a good straight queer ally, or a good white anti-racist ally) actually makes you one.

"He is soft-spoken, gentle, and supportive—when he isn't being abusive. He loves the language of feelings, openly sharing his insecurities, his fears, and his emotional injuries. He hugs other men. He may speak out about the absurdity of war or the need for men to get in touch with their feminine side. Perhaps he

Well, as for the dimmest of silver linings, at least this community seems supportive of and receptive to victims' voices. Unlike, say, alt-lit: