Hi, it's me?

I think that's fine.

I was raised in an atheist household (I'm 25 now), and I'm always surprised at how uncommon it is. I know lots of atheists, but all of them came to their atheism as teenagers or adults. I don't know anyone else with atheist parents.

Not bad, but it's worth referencing that Gizmodo already covered the uber-ultimate Facebook creepy-troll tactic, courtesy of legendary Ryan Roy:

Go through ALL of somebody's photos/posts and like/share/comment on most of them.

"An officer asked Geer to step out of the car. "He got out and they arrested him for drunk in public," says Stewart. "He learned he could have stayed in his car and he never would have been arrested."

Done. Public. Along with a call to criminalise anti-vaccination as conspiracy to commit manslaughter or even as an act of bioterrorism.

I did. You should too. We all should.

I hope someone posts this to FB and it gets shared over and over and over.

It's not up to the individual school districts, which are subject to state laws. A school district cannot legally deny a child entrance into public school if the family meets the requirements in state law. Currently the only two states that require vaccination for children entering kindergarten (barring a medical

im so upset right now

"Endangering:" is the key word there. This is about reckless endangerment of everyone's children, not just one's own. I find it really hard to believe that they're sincerely motivated by concern for their children as opposed to parenting as a selfish extension of one's own politics;

My twins are on the autism spectrum. They are verbal and high functioning so they don't have a lot of the "bad" traits people associate with autism. Still, I get so pissed when people say they don't want vaccines because "Autism!" because they rather risk their kids dying painful deaths then have kids like mine.

I have to say (as someone on the autism spectrum).

It was truly strange, like talking to someone who refuses to believe that water is wet.

After researching the issue reading stupid blogs written by idiots who confirmed her misguided nonsense

is this like when rich people have literally nothing to do so they make up problems? like how fucking bored do you have to get when you say vaccines have 'too many toxins'

True story: