Hi, it's me?

He said heart attacks — not nitrates, aspirin, or beta blockers — are a part of the natural world. "Unfortunately, they mean that some people get sick and some people die," he said. "But the reality is that we can't just fill people with chemicals."

"...we can't inject our children with chemicals."

My sister's OBGYN told her very early on in pregnancy that she was welcome to set up her shots so certain ones are not all at once, but if she had any interest in not having her baby vaccinated at all, she would have to seek another doctor because he could not in good conscience be part of that. She didn't need him to

While we're at it, I'd like to shoot the messenger some more.

Humanity has spent five thousand years gathering the collective knowledge to get us this far only to say "Fuck those people, I am gonna listen to Jenny McCarthy and Glenn Beck".

I get tired of saving this over and over again but here goes. Smallpox: killed millions of people for hundreds of years. Where is it? Gone, worldwide, because we were forced to vaccinate. Measles were on their way out until now. I'm older than Wolfson, I remember getting measles and having school mates getting

To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Man I've never wanted to inject someone with smallpox SO MUCH.

I met a guy today who's been crippled (I'm not sure what the proper term is) for 60 years because of polio. He can walk, but with great difficulty. Screw this doctor.

I'm a big fan of what's called paleo-nutrition, so our children eat foods that our ancestors have been eating for millions of years … That's the best way to protect."

Oh gosh, silly me

As a representative of the "American Heartland" woman, in my forties, I hate to break it to M. Hucks, but we've been smoking, swearing, fucking, and drinking in the flyover states for quite a while now. Wearing pants, voting, showing our ankles, the whole shebang. It's like we think we're people or something.

It's sort of creepy that the only thing that's going to save Lynch from having to deal with this same scenario over and over again is Groundhog Day.

Does what he can to make people only care about blond White women. Gets mad when people only care about blonde White women.

nah, damn the horde of hacky imitators who bought into that. Nolan was spot on with his interpretation of the Batman world.

Awful. Just... awful.

God damn Nolan making everyone think super heroes should be dark and gritty, ruining the fun for those of us who enjoy heroes being heroes in colorful costumes fighting ridiculous enemies. Thank the maker for Joss Whedon.

I'm not making this about myself. I'm using myself as an example. I can only speak for myself, but I know other people who have been told their experiences aren't "typical."