Hi, it's me?

May I also add that the author's perspective seems to be a very white/American-centric one? In many cultures it's the norm for men to wear jewelry.

I'm sorry, but fuck this. I share the dislike for the kind of attitude that certain men have about tacky jewelry being a good way to attract chicks, for sure (and I'm also sympathetic to some of the aesthetic objections). But it's incredibly bad, on a more basic level, to promote these kind of limiting and repressing

It really isn't that hard to fulfill websites requirements and keep different passwords for every website. If done right, it is also extremely easy to remember them while still being secure.

One of my daughters gives the wrong answers to the security questions, so at least if someone is researching her, they won't get those right. But her passwords are generally pretty weak.

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place at some point, most sites require a seven or eight charecter password with numbers, special charecters or capitlization, and you're supposed to have a different password for each sites.

Is it really fantastic drama though? Instead of any real exposition, there's a lot of "things are getting hectic!" yadda yadda.

So I totally thought that the wife and SIL were having a lesbian affair with each other and I kept waiting for that reveal as I read through this. Then I realized that they were each cheating with someone else, not together, and well...the story got infinitely more "normal" and boring. lol.

I'm with the "this is fake" crowd. There have been too many inconsistencies and unbelievable twists and turns.

nah, the most punk rock thing ever was that girl in L7 taking out her tampon and throwing it in the crowd at Reading.

My mother was an alcoholic who cheated on my father multiple times, cheated on her BF once she separated from my father, and wound up pregnant with twins from one of her affairs.

I really needed to read that story. Thanks.

I have a friend who has overly controlling parents, they micro managed every single aspect of her life from her early childhood into her teens. In her early teens she started rebelling against her parents, and she displayed all the signs of destructive behavior, like someone who is begging from help but being ignored

AHHHH!!! This lady makes me want to tear my hair out. I wish I couldn't relate.

no one wants to do a movie where people think, 'Why did they do that? It wasn't necessary.'

Isn't he one of those right-wingy family values guys? I swear I remember reading something to that effect about him during the last election.

Fun fact: Greg Anthony is one of the few open Republican athletes. I'm not saying it's related, but it does make it funnier.

It's actually based on this report from a Forbes "contributor," which is incredibly bad and dumb. I'm fairly certain anybody can post anything directly to Forbes.com these days; it's like Kinja that people actually use.

"Here's the thing, though: only one number factors into Super Bowl attendance statistics, and that number is STADIUM CAPACITY."

"Nah man, I don't wanna go to the Super Bowl, I'm going to an awesome Super Bowl party" said a guy who clicks on banner ads about the liberal conspiracy to steal our food

This weekend, a different kind of gaming marathon will be happening. Spawn4Good will be assembling people to play video games for as long as they can to raise awareness about police brutality, as well as pulling together money for surviving family members of those killed by the use of excessive force. You can get more