
Anyone remember the Tahoe and Yukon Hybrid? Yeah, I didn’t think so. 

GM when it comes to their current truck designs:

I’m definitely in the minority here, but I’ve always liked the look of this car. It was unique for the time period and stood out on the road. I think the styling has held up pretty well.

This is honestly the most profound evidence that God doesn't exist. Or at least any kind of benevolent one. 

God has turned their backs on us.

The Vibe. I saw one the other day that looked brand new. Brand effing new. On the salt covered roads of Central NY state. Those things are tanks. It looked good as well. The lines were good, nothing too sharp, nothing too big. Solid design statement. Great motor. Manual or automatic, AWD or FWD. If Chevy bothered to

Allowing manufacturers to perform emissions testing and fuel economy estimating on their own products is just a completely flawed way of doing things. 

I didn’t get into it here, but it does not feel entirely irrelevant that the Giants were the last NFL team to start a black QB. And that was only in 2017.

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much

Can we focus for just a second on the more important issue: is that one of those giant 10 lb burgers on the table behind him in the header image?

Okay, so I don’t know what’s going on with the poll. I’ve checked it across three different machines and three different browsers and it’s working for me in all cases.

That’s weird. The poll looks alright to me. Are you using one of those new folding phones? 

Well I picked one at random and it went to NP, so it must be.

Spoiler Alert!

It won’t be long before bros with lifted electric pick ups will start EVing gas stations.

Stubby German?  Nothing to see here...

FINALLY! GenZ is starting to be blamed for shit going wrong in industries, we’re almost out of the woods fellow millennials!

There’s ton of nostalgia value here for folks of a certain age. An American car that was arguably better performing and just as well built as a 535i or 200 Turbo of the time was a big friggin’ deal.  I knew a few people who bought them new and absolutely loved them.

If I was Other Daughter, I’d change my name and start applying to schools in Canada. Just quietly slip away and only call home once a month to ask, “Are you in jail yet?”

I mean, the schlub at the bottom used her truck for a Lowe’s run. He deserved to be fired.