
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

“This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled . . .

I think the point is that if you’re doing something useful and reasonably difficult for 40 or more hours a week it should provide a living wage.

Unpopular opinion:

When it’s a car this young with this many miles, those miles are usually highway driven.  I’d take a chance.

It is nice to see Lincoln finally making a comeback with good vehicles, whereas Cadillac’s ship sailed long, long ago. 

Welcome to the Short Shift, a feature I do whenever I feel like it, where I list my Hot Takes based on TMS.

I don’t know what you are talking about. These cars are awesome. ALL CARS ARE AWESOME. ALL HAIL OUR NEW USED CAR OVERLORDS.

We’re not talking about a dude losing his transportation to work because of a joint in his cup holder here.   This is a bit different.   If the Feds can prove that the cars were bought with the proceeds of illegal activity there’s nothing anyone can do.   

This is what happens to a Mustang when it is made to do “high-performance” maneuvers near a crowd that it is not allowed run over/devour. It commits suicide because its population-culling purpose remains unfulfilled.

*looking around nervously*

All I know is my car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it

What do you want Ford and VW to work together on?

The thing I loved about this story, is Keisel couldn’t help but tell on himself. People (dipshits in particular) seem to forget that professional athletes play at an incredibly elite level, with the most insane shit talkers on earth. These shit talkers are all programmed to spend every minute of the game trying to get

Man, supra owners are going to have a GREAT time with toyota techs working on their BMW engines....

Is it ironic that the police ended up taking his photo anyway?

Even the youngest comrades must contribute.

Holy crap, Tesla is just running a 19th century plutocratic industrialist’s dream wrapped up inside a 21st-century facade. It’s all very clear to me now.

Hate to break it to you, but this post has nothing whatsoever to do with the article...
