hello haaaaaaaay

and in the library no less! think of the books!

There is an argument to be made about suppressing the right to vote for people currently in jails and prisons: we don’t ever accord rights absolutely, and they are subject to reasonable restriction (take note, gun nuts). Even First Amendment rights are frequently subject to time, place and manner restrictions (take

They’re also incredibly open about the fact that couples counseling has been a big part of their relationship since day one, which is refreshing.

I may be mistaken, but I believe these two do a decent amount of charity work. I also greatly appreciate his openness about his struggles/anxiety. This is dumb.

Yeah, she sided with Kavanaugh because of that time she got a bad edit on Season 1, so she knows how it feels to be “persecuted.” It’s, like, exactly the same situation, guys!

Can we talk about how on the same episode Camille Grammer shouted all the other assault victims at the table down in defense of Brett Kavanaugh? She basically told a table of older women, who didn’t come forward right away after their assaults, that women who don’t come forward right away are lying. Her behavior was

The assault on Lois Rinna happened in 1960. He was later convicted in 1970 and sent away for 7 years. They let him out again and from 1979–1981 he raped and murdered 5 more women. In 1988 he was sentenced to death and he’s been on deathrow ever since. He was then convicted of 2 more murders and there is evidence that

Now playing

We really need to talk about these toy companies.

... yeah. Lactation Consultants exist. Because the answer is often not as simple as “just have the baby suck your tit! that’s their specialty!”

Babies are the most unreliable creatures on earth and cannot be trusted to help out.

Sometimes Baby has a weak suck, this thing called “lip tie” or “tongue tie”, premie babies often struggle with nursing... there are a million reasons that breastfeeding often doesn’t work out and not enough people talk about it!

A baby isn’t always up for nursing because it might be full or sleeping or anything really. Babies are the most unreliable creatures on earth and cannot be trusted to help out. It is pretty common for the partner to help out when the ducts are clogged, it is actually a really nice thing to do.

It’s definitely one of the first suggested strategies - shift the position of the baby to try to get them to nurse specifically toward that area. But if you’re at work/pumping, had a time when you went a while without expressing -  sure, clogs can develop, and sometimes a baby or a pump can’t handle them.

Having had a clogged milk duct (thankfully never clogged my milk ducks) and the eventual mastitis I would have let Danny Devito unclog it if he was willing to give it a try. 

The kid’s not an influencer yet? 

Giving good ideas to Jez

I’d like to see them report and provide commentary instead of the weak combination of hyperventilating and holier-than-thou bullshit that shows up here most of the time.

Splinter’s idea of news coverage is a twitter grifter/attention slurping toad typing in all caps and shouting WHITE NATIONALIST/UR A NAZI/BERNIE IS DADDY without doing any actual reporting.

Because heaven forbid a woman sport makeup and appear traditionally feminine while kicking ass.....

Ease up on Mike. He just finished his own stadium concert tour, and he donated 114000 dollars to a cause that he respects. He can say anything he wants.