hello haaaaaaaay

Psst, whatever opinion you want a dentist to have, go to enough dentists and you will find one with that opinion. 

From what my dentist said, I don’t think the grind to the nub is the problem, I think it’s more the cracks in the teeth (or crowns) that lead to more decay and root canals.

I refuse to touch my wife’s mouth guard, she just takes it out and leaves it on the sink like a goddamn animal. It is however a good alarm for morning fun though. 

Dude’s name is Eric Holder? Seriously?

I know this is dumb, but, the headline made me do a double-take:

At least not on the side we chose.

Even if they find out the kid isn’t the missing boy I hope he gets the help and care he needs. 

One year when I was a young kid my dad, being an early riser, came pounding on our bedroom door saying we were going to be late for the bus. We all freaked out and ran downstairs. It was Saturday, April 1, and he had made pancakes. How is this hard, internet dipshits?

That dog running up to the closing door at the end was MAGIC.

Every time I see that picture of him, I want to hit him with a broom.

I am heartened to see I was not the first one to rush to the comments to point this out.

I was just about to say the same thing. “It’s Not That Serious” was neither a single or had a music video.

Now playing

I think you have the wrong J Lo video... If You Had My Love was the one with the weird surveillance cameras. I think that link just put the audio of It’s Not That Serious to the video from If You Had My Love.

How has no one else mentioned the movie theater/stadium style Nacho station in her kitchen? I’m convinced this is a show house that Jojo uses for filming purposes only, because there’s no way her whole family lives there. Her bedroom is insane, but it’s the kitchen and entry way that sealed it for me. A single crazy

But they still do Wilmer Valderrama, right? I get partial credit. 

Why the fuck is jojo yelling everything, Jesus Christ she sounds like a 90 year old

I didn't even watch that show and I know Maddie is far superior 

The ending was harder for us the audience than it was for Ilana and Abbi. I cried more than the ending of “ Seinfeld”..... ( side note :what generational class am I in ,if I witnessed the series finale of both “ Seinfeld” and “ Broad City”?


It’s worth noting that Gina Rodriguez directed this episode and that freewheeling seven-minute (!) monologue. Quite an accomplishment!