hello haaaaaaaay

No indictments of ANYONE for ANYTHING.

Look at him hogging up 4 seats! Keanu would curl up under 1 seat like a cat and let a pregnant woman take his seat.

“...there should never be an attempt to try a case in the court of public opinion.”

I always thought a woman's mid-life crisis was when a woman realizes she does 90% of the housework and childcare and divorces her husband's who "never saw that coming." 

Both USC and UCLA are incredibly difficult to get into. Even people with straight As and good SAT scores sometimes don’t get admitted, because the pool of applicants is self-selecting and all candidates look like that already. So you’ll be hard pressed to convince them to refund you because it’ll set a precedent where

There are no 18 year old Jennys anymore.  It’s the Madison Era.

(Not) hot take: Yui was the worst.

I’ve gotten grief for being adamant about teaching my daughters how to cook because “women don’t NEED to cook to feed men” but I’m teaching them because they NEED to be able to feed themselves. Yes, restaurants exist but I grew up broke so it’s hard to break the “Hay comida en la casa” mentality.

Right? He’s excited. And young enough to climb up on a counter and get down safely. Let him be. 

A standard part of any campaign is rolling out policy beliefs in waves. They’ll be a “foreign policy” speech followed by doing the news show rounds. An “economic speech” and more of the same. It’s an effective way to stay in repeated news cycles.

It’s not that fucking weird. It’s like standing on a soapbox.

If I exclusively got my news from Splinter I would think that Beto and Steve King are two terrible politicians but Beto was slightly worse.

“People in the comments are going to get mad at me for doing another blog about Beto O’Rourke being a weirdo, but it is surreal how strange his presidential campaign has already become.”

Later this week: Rich boy Beto uses a boat to cross water like a corporate centrist!

You are becoming a caricature of yourselves.

Splinter 2019 is a fascinating place!

Is this going to be a daily thing where you guys try to hate on something Beto does?  Neither article that has been posted on this site has any value at all.  Do better. 

People in the comments are going to get mad at me for doing another blog about Beto O’Rourke being a weirdo

lmao “starting”

Splinter is starting to read like the diary of an angry ex-girlfriend.