hello haaaaaaaay

Wow two Splinter hit pieces on Beto but not ONE WORD about Bernie going to a church in South Carolina that is all black, in an area that is predominately black and having an ALL WHITE CROWD!! I can just see Splinter now writing: BERNIE PACKS EM IN AND WOWS THEM!!! Hey Kamala Harris filled the same place with a diverse

He’s kind of right though. Legislative branch is there to build the legislation, executive branch is there to execute on them. Expecting any one woman or man to singlehandedly solve all of America’s problems is an exercise in futility. The guy who asked the question about the Siemen’s factory, for example, would

“This Is All So Ridiculous” could be the title of this article. It’s just another hit job from Splinter on any candidate that is not named Bernie Sanders. We get it. The site is for Bernie Sanders. Can you simply be more “Pro Bernie” and less “Destroy everyone else”? 

I don’t know much about Cornyn, but I cannot imagine that he is somehow more unlikable than Ted Cruz.

People took the wrong lesson from Hillary losing. It wasn’t that centrism is bad or unpopular. It’s that if you’re running against a populist, people better damn well like you! Hillary’s main problem was that she was a villain to the right, and somewhere between an overbearing mother-in-law and a hobgoblin to the

Only on Splinter can Beto O’Rourke be criticized for being a dirty centrist and a socialist in a space of about six comments. 

No. Andrew Gillum lost a governor’s race against an a non-incumbent in a state Obama won twice (once by 3 points).

“Democrats should be in power forever. Also, every Democrat is terrible and you shouldn’t support them.” -Splinter

Of the candidates so far, Beto is the only one I think could realistically stand a chance against the cult of personality around Trump. After four years of Trump (and with two Supreme Court justices already replaced) milquetoast centrism that can win is better than rigid progressivism that will lose. 

So many things are wrong in this piece, let’s just touch on two. 

Add to that:

You have failed in your attempt to out edgy the edgy candidate.

What the fuck is wrong with wanting someone with charisma who’s electable?

This criticism of Beto is exactly why I want him to win the nomination. Policy doesn’t matter. What a candidate believes in doesn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is a candidate’s ability to beat the mentally ill idiot currently in the White House. Primary whoever wins in 24 if you want to but the only thing

“I just want to get to better things for this country.” Could you imagine a more meaningless statement for a candidate to make, particularly with regard to their ideology?

All the Democratic candidates for President are terrible, irredeemable people. There. Happy now? This constant barrage of negativity helps no one but Donald Trump. Thanks.

Wait...do we really have a problem with not requiring candidates take a pseudoscientific polygraph as a condition of employment?  He was definitely on the right side of that one...

Did you losers all have a fight in the editorial room over who got to write the “Shit on Beto” series. Then whoever employs you all just decided to say “fuck it” and let each of you have a turn?

lol. If only he had 18 months to lay out his ideas/plans/whatever...