hello haaaaaaaay

This is obviously fucked up and everything, but I’m more just curious about this person.

Ya know what though... I like her :/ I know I shouldn’t. But I do.

Big bud, little bud!

This legit made me LOL a bunch. I think I’m tired. But also that you might just be funny.

Apparently I’m of the unpopular opinion that “yessss” and “yaaaayyyy”

Hey haters in the comment section... stfu and lemme be exciiiiiiiteddddd


Aaaaaaaaaand now they’ve changed the picture. That’s weird.

You want real “brutally honest” commentary? I give you Jebidiah Atkinson.

She looks kinda nice in that picture though, doesn’t she?

#2 was cray zay!

I watched SO MUCH of this show in the weeks after my babe was born. It was a weird fever dream of a time and I swear they play this show 24 hours a day so when I got bored of infomercials at 3AM, I turned to this garbage...

I guess I’m still waking up, but my understanding of this headline was that there was a Hills reboot in the making. So I kept reading and reading, waiting to actually get to the meat of the story...

hahahahaha I do NOT remember this but absolutely love that this is something you remember. You are my kind of people.

woooahhhh! I did NOT realize that! thass cray!

(also thanks for doing the legwork on that... like I wanted to know but (sigh) did I really want to have to google it? it’s been such a long day so yeah. sincerest thanks)

h8ers gon h8. but i luv it.

YES! I loved participating in the march but there was definitely part of me that felt kinda icky about it. My partner articulated it well for me—we went on this march in downtown San Antonio and through some poorer neighborhoods where we’re stopping the traffic and disrupting the lives of the people who live in these