I dunno. I didn’t even feel like Effie was pushing for the “diverse” (god I hate that) pair, she was simply saying like “okay hey feel like I should just remind ya’ll of this slippery slope you’re on...” and immediately everyone got super defensive. Like she wasn’t like fighting for the diverse (cringe, there it is…
Thank you. I came here looking for someone who actually cared to solve the mystery!!!
Here’s my thing. Farting is something that exists and one must not be ashamed of it or anything ridiculous like that. But.... I don’t toot in front of Mr. Hello Hay and he does not toot in front of me. People always act horrified like I’m some weird prude for this but like... it’s not some difficult feat to just *not*…
Yay I’ve been waiting for this all morning!
I broke a very large, very expensive ceramic vase when I was oh hmmm maybe like 7 years old? I was at a day camp for art (my mama is an artist) and before we visited the museum, the instructor/counselor/shedevil warned all of us not to touch anything. I clearly remember her informing us that most of these pieces cost…
This looks so fun!