Hello! My name is Anonymous

I got some amazing multitasking apps to show you! They are magical and revolutionary! If you don't mind waiting for me to finish with some other stuff then I'll give you more info.

I hereby declare that there will be no derogatory comments concerning Palm and/or there 50% off app sale.

So... Have a lot of people been playing those 3d games with glasses already????

Just so long as the Internet gets a government "Kill Switch".

@seven5suited: suhweeeeeet. Now make the black one Darth.

vote: blogengine.net

Haaaaalt! So everybody is already pre-ordering this phone and the full specs are not known? Is that right?

@mitchellskurnik: I forgot to mention that shortcoming. You are perfectly right. Hopefully someday we will have android and webOS tablets.

Played with my friends iPad. Installed a bunch of apps for him, set up his email etc. After about two hours I was done. Nifty little toy but not worth the price of admission in my opinion. Maybe with ios 4 it will be a better experience.

How do you stop from snoring? I usually have no problem falling asleep but I feel terrible when I wake myself up with that mighty monster snore. I hate to be that guy.

@SquaIor: That would be perverted.

I shall use the mirrors on my shoes to take the perfect candid shot.

I don't have a 360 yet. Been waiting for project natal to manifest.

The people who evangelize Android are starting to sound like those iPhone fanboys. Chalk another point up for WebOS; maybe it's just the popularity issue but there seems to be a whole lot less cognitive dissonance with that group of users (or maybe it's because WebOS won this round).

@hebrew hammer: Same here. Would have missed out on all this excitement (and Pac-Man too) had it not been for the Giz.

@Dabamasha: If you managed to get rid of everybody dumber than you; you would be the dumbest person on the planet.

This story reminds me of when Zynga tried to evict me from my Farmville (long story concerning my farmer and the sheep, they haven't created spouses yet).