you think i’m hardcore now, what till you see my pocket watch.
you think i’m hardcore now, what till you see my pocket watch.
Thanks for digging through this shit to rate and compare the patterns of turds this idiot extrudes daily. I need a shower from just reading ten at once. Reading all of his tweets might give you a case of pink eye. Wear protective goggles and gloves while sorting that septic tank of tweets. Be safe. Burn your keyboard,…
How doth the little Congressman redo his dubious tale. And refer to the waters of the Euphrates, trying to avoid jail.
I even get to use a real bathroom when I want..
I’ve been gruntled since November 8, 2016.
Yeah and jail is about the worst place to be with a mark on your head. Nowhere to hide. They might offer him witness protection over the Russia stuff. Those boys don't play fair, they don't play at all.
I love it. I’m crying now.
So maybe now we could start seeing headlines like “Trump Disowns Pecker” or “President Brought Down by Pecker.” I’m starting to think God has a plan for all this after all.
Linsay Graham wants to get someone in who’ll just dismiss investigations or corrupt them for a GOP Prez.
What the fuck is it with the recent obsession of you all with the labels of people who agree with you basically 100% on policy? Policy purity tests I get. I don’t always agree with them, and sometimes they are counterproductive, but I get the appeal of drawing a line in the sand over a substantive point and fighting…
Oh good—I was worried they were referring to our Commander-in-Chief.
... he issued his own statement pushing back against the president, noting that “the Department of Justice will not be ‘improperly influenced by political considerations,’”...
Im going with DMV Donna. She boxed her in bc of expired tags.
Okay, that’s enough. Go back to the Alex Jones redddit and don’t forget your fedora.
Interesting how John showed Camille and her body more respect than 99% of the grown men in that town, who also have daughters.