I was weirdly in love with James Carville of all people, when Bill Clinton was running for president. There was no huge crisis like now, just the normal political BS that ushered GHW Bush out of office. But to college age emotional me, Bush was crisis enough.
people are going to find fault with her regardless of what she does, because some people are *ssholes
Bloomberg looked like a kid who forgot to unthaw the chicken and heard his mom’s keys jingle in the door when Warren read him for filth 😂😂😂
That’s a lot of words just to punch down at a raped woman.
It’s all very sad. Many years ago, I read every page of the police interviews with both Kobe and his accuser. Remarkably, their stories are very, very similar, except on one point: consent.
Kobe thought she consented to what was basically “rough sex.” She said no several times to what he was doing, and at the point…
I suppose if I were a Kobe Bryant stan and/or a pea brained moron, I might think that as well.
From the article you purported to read:
This is piling on a dead man who can’t defend himself anymore.
Because getting rape convictions is extremely challenging.
oh and let’s not forget the strangulation marks on her neck. And when the cops asked him about them, he said “that’s just the way I like to have sex”.
Uh huh...
is it really that hard to say “i support women, i support victims of sexual assault, I can’t speak to this case because i wasn’t involved in it, but sexual assault is a horrible thing. Any person who does that will forever have that stain of evil on them”
rather than the tired as fuck... because i liked him, he can’t…
I agree with much of what you said. I do think it’s important to acknowledge that his statement re: consent was carefully worded so as not to acknowledge that he understood those things. If you look at these sentences from his statement, they pretty much tell the tale. So without further ado, a way-too-involved close…
Thank you, I think you state this about as perfectly as possible.
If I’m being honest, I have a hard time seeing the good. I don’t think I’ve looked at a picture of Kobe Bryant in the last 15 years without my first thought being “rapist.” Lots of men move on and forget. Women, particularly those who have been subjected to sexual violence at the hands of men, don’t necessarily just…
Yes. This case is one of the best examples out there of a victim doing everything right in the aftermath of an assault and still getting totally chewed up by the system. She told a friend. She went to the hospital. She got an exam done. The exam documented evidence, including bruising around her throat (Bryant choked…
I'm guessing that's what he called his junk while raping or not raping.
A least u mentioned the rape, but let’s not act like this was a she said he said case. There was a lot of damning evidence against Kobe. He clearly raped her and u can admit that and still talk about the good he did and the legacy of his career. People are complicated and we can be honest about the good and the bad.