
He needs to be a man and ust throw down the goddamned hammer on the television.

Girl. What y’all don’t think about is that I’m livin’ through this too.

I’ve been saying this for a year and a half now.

Leave Rick out of this

Between Avenatti’s doggedness and Cohen’s towering incompetence, is it possible this country is going to be saved by fucking lawyers?

1984 I believe.

Ах, наш российский агент вернулся, чтобы помочь распространить, как вы его называете, фигня вокруг немного больше.

If they cut the tax rate for corporations* and uber-rich down to 0.00%, we’ll all be fartin’ through silk! This is especially true for family-owned, real estate develpoment/management companies, so let’s start there.

Oh holy shit, you were serious?

“Reject object permanence!”

“What the hell am I even doing here?”

The fucking moron also talked about military pay raises and suggested the audience was “too patriotic to take it.” “Do you want it?” he said.

God would have to break up my masturbation movie into 3 parts, like the Hobbit. Sure it could be done in one movie, but there are important details that would be missing and the audience of angels wouldn’t fully understand. “Who’s that character?” What’s the backstory behind this?” “Why is he so mad at that person?”

his response was “but... I will stay for as long as you will have me!”

It’s like, are these guys even aware of how life works? I’m so sick of the current societal model that says it’s totally okay to act like a toddler and say that hey, I put my pants on and went to work, where’s the supermodel with heart of gold to cook me dinner and soothe my fevered brow?

I wonder if Wherehaveyoubeenallmylife has any sense that it is possible to perceive when someone is shallow and underdeveloped emotionally, has done no therapy or processing of his issues, lacks self-awareness and empathy, and therefore is not boyfriend material.

Like... I wonder if he understands that you have told

This is the most childish thing I have read in a long time. Like literally you are ignoring everything women have to do that society forces upon them, like putting up with and soothing mens fragile egos.

Women really don’t need to bring much to the table to date successfully.

I am a man since we all seem to have to declare it loudly to the rooftops. Every time I hear “women don’t have to work so hard to date” all I hear is “I ignore all the work society demands women put into themselves and their relationships with others”

Oh, well good for you? I thought you said you only date dullards. By the way, i am positive that women a woman says, “he couldn’t keep up with me” that, most of the time she does NOT mean “I need a superior man”. Frankly, it is very telling that you assume this is what women mean.