Unmitigated smacks of incel. Just a hunch. The weird verbose unnecessarily angry replies, the douchebag apologism...it’s all there
Unmitigated smacks of incel. Just a hunch. The weird verbose unnecessarily angry replies, the douchebag apologism...it’s all there
This is a guy whose most famous song lyric is “let ya nuts hang.” He already had one too many chances. Can we just 8ight6ix him already?
For the person complaining yesterday that the Russian investigation was a waste of time and should end and had found nothing in the *two years* it was happening...I wonder if this counts as *something.*
Lock this abomination up already. jfc
It’s clear you do not understand political economy.
Tell me: how does the current low-interest rate environment impact expectations of future economic growth and how does rising structural unemployment, coupled with under-employment and job growth focused solely on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder impact the expected future economic expansion?
and looking down his nose at friends who enjoyed watching Jeopardy
When you are whiter than top shelf cocaine.
Lately I’ve become more appalled by people like Paul Ryan than I am Trump.
Jesus! How many babies did Putin put in him?!?
I would argue that the lack of leaks actually means they are finding a metric shit ton of things.
If there is a silver lining to the very existence of Trey “Pinhead” Gowdy, it’s that his hairdresser FUCKING HATES HIM.
Dumb takes are literally all he has. Wade through his comments if you really want to kill a few brain cells.
This drunk driving nepotistic motherfucker looks like a canned ham.
well, he’s usually high on meth, so, probably pretty hard, what with the dragons flying overhead and all.
I must be getting old because I no longer recognize new euphemism for cocaine.
I very much want to see a NY First Lady Rojo Caliente.
Al Capone and the remnants of Geraldo Riveras career.
In college, I participated in a charity eating contest (makes sense!) sponsored by Papa John’s, where each team had to eat 8 pizzas the fastest. I also stayed up for 3 days straight on a drug-fueled bender. I still think the former was a much worse life choice.
Fellow Michael K fan?! I still call Rihanna “Alien Princess RiRi” and wonder what Chicken Cutlets is up to these days...