Am I the only person who say that pic and thought of AMC’s TV show ‘Preacher’? There is guy on there that looks exactly like that. Am I the only black person watching that show?
Am I the only person who say that pic and thought of AMC’s TV show ‘Preacher’? There is guy on there that looks exactly like that. Am I the only black person watching that show?
A well-designed political system would have a built-in feedback system to ensure that those making the decisions are also subject to the consequences of those decisions
You’re suggesting a former President had oversight of a local water system? Maybe civics isn’t your strong suit.
Were you abused by punctuation as a child?
Maybe they could do pet aromatherapy and goat yoga in the back.
The last dog with his shiny red crayon pokin out looks like something from a Sarah McLaughlin ASPCA commercial. Come on.
You always read these articles hoping that he's kinda just average looking and then the goddamn son of odin is straight up blowing angle smoke through the camera lens at you.
Amazing - a Georgia Institute of Technology grad, with 2 Masters degrees from the University of Michigan (of course), one of which is in urban planning, and when she isn’t calling the cops on little black girls, she sells weed for pets.
She should just move to Portland.
Why would anyone want to do a research monkey? Rhesus Christ, you are one sick person.
E- Luftwaffel Haus
LOL! I’m also in Seattle, now I’m dying to know what neighborhood houses all the fascists! xD
Please stop, Jameis.
Man, when I tell you I know my city. I saw the pic of this woman and immediately I was like I bet this is Atlanta. Then I was like, it’s either Buckhead or Vinnings or Midtown, then I thought, this fool is either from north Fulton or Cobb. And sure enough.
Do you think that he dates human women? I always assumed that his species reproduces by stunning other creatures and laying eggs in them before they wake up. It’s more of a quantity vs quality strategy.
I don’t know how to feel about the deluge of labels showing up in the LGBTQ+ space. In my mind labels are designed to quickly convey information and labels that don’t explain anything or obfuscate are useless. For example, if you said to someone “Frank is a feminine male” we can all draw conclusions some of which may…
“Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism"
“This girl really likes me. And all I have to do is send her the plane fare from the Ukraine to Providence and we’re totally going to hook up.”
The dipshit on the far right looks like he's about to explain why it's OK to use the n-word in public.
For the last time, it’s called “Conversion Therapy.”