Miller later clarified that he didn’t scurry away because of being confronted, but because he had to meet up with his smoking hot girlfriend, who is from Canada and he met at summer camp, so you don’t know her, for a night of unbridled passion.
Miller later clarified that he didn’t scurry away because of being confronted, but because he had to meet up with his smoking hot girlfriend, who is from Canada and he met at summer camp, so you don’t know her, for a night of unbridled passion.
“No, Grandpa, I don’t think they put peas in the salad just to make you angry.”
I ought to call him and ask him what “the pompitous of love” is and what it has to do with being called Maurice, then get really disappointed when I find out he’s not that Steve Miller.
Yes because the horrific inconvenience of getting a new (free govt. issued) phone is right on par with designing a policy that will result in the permanent damage and maybe even deaths of actual children.
islanders fans don’t know any big words
Fuck Stephen Miller, and fuck you.
Here’s a gift certificate to Kay Jewelers. Go and buy some pearls to clutch.
Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews
Glad you understand the rules. Now go fuck yourself.
Blow it out your ass
Jeff, shut the fuck up
technically its an incel phone
No, cunt. your inhumanity is showing.
It’s actually Stephen Miller’s.
Y’know, swastikas aren’t that hard to draw. You really need to know which direction they go if you want to prove your Nazi cred, but what can be expected when you can’t even spell “white”.
Fuck Off is protected speech. Born in the 70s is NOT old. We’re in the sweet spot of having enough money that we can pay for parking in front of the venue rather than walk 5 blocks.
Word. Thank you for expressing this so eloquently.
He was a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve respect. Nothing of value was lost here.
I’m not sorry he died. Is that really a bad thing to think/say? Sadly, I don’t think anything besides his death would have prevented him from abusing more women.
Trying to slip his Jesusing between jokes about poop is the “put a pill in hamburger” of acceptance speeches.