
this seems like the perfect ending foor the husband

I smash puny little robot

You're welcome

A teacher has sex with his student and then has a refreshing drink from this awesome fountain ?

oh no, it hit the former car of the wife of the president of the morris marina owners club

if they scale it up alot, those jet-intakes are gonna be huge.

my first thought as well

i think i'll wait till they have navigation for this google sky before i use it

send in the lawyers

google should make a safe-search filter just to weed outt he ugly nudes

A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

don't be such a wus, now stick your tongue to it

can you introduce me ?

yes, this is THE red alert game. i refuse to acknowledge the existance of RA3

so, we have siamese moons

they should put a SPECIMEN stamp on the doll's forehead

let me get the muskets then

they wouldn't snicker, they kill the presentor with their bare feet ( because bare hands isn't awesome enough)

yeah, it obviously needs additional pylons

teleporting to a street near you