so, what's this gonna cost ?
so, what's this gonna cost ?
wow, the tiles broke right at the edge of the hole too, what are the odds ?
there's alot more poor people then there are billionaires so they could probably get them without guns
brilliant, i hope the owner of that site doen't have important info on his voicemail
maybe some IT specialists
if that's the beginning, i can't wait for the happy ending
uhm, so what was the patent for ?
If only it could write in silicium
In my haste, I seem to have missed my mouth
Here in belgium, you can get a ugc unlimited pass for 17 euro's a month. Now if only we could get a regular netflix-like service.
thank god i have a droid .... sigh
so much android (phones), so little money (in my pocket)
@kasika: 3D tetris is complicated
@ePrometheus: bear mccreary makes some awsome music
@xaronax: best faceplant ever
@Will_: this is about the best role jessica alba has ever played.
@ki_881: you said something ?
@stereobot: and eventually it'll all implode into a single webpage