
it's my favorite ride in bobbejaanland (the typhoon is a close second)

can i buyseperate tiles like these somewhere for a DIY project? anyone have any idea?

1. aim plain towards ground

true, it's a great way to dissuade people from talking to you

i doubt he's gonna be burning thermite that close to a bunch of students

google's record has some downers as well (buzz, wave, ...).

the people of india (known as indians) shoot arrows, live in tipi's and fight cowboys.

Sure, happens all the time

i don't remember that film being so dramatic :-s

yes, i know lots of soldiers who can't wait to have this

what people don't remember the sweet dial-up soundtrack ?

crap, that shitty idea went down the drain

i would like to see an iMonocle

holy franchising batman. milk that cow dry

it's also good for body-building

believe me, most of the time it's not

....... yes please

maybe i should've thought about that comment before randomly picking a number

i live about 0.000000000000000000001 lightyears from work

the first one was a bit gross and a lot funny. the second is sick and disgusting and not funny at all. they're all still disney movies in comparison to "a serbian film"