@silverserver: you be checking out me booty, aye?
@silverserver: you be checking out me booty, aye?
@xhedgehogx: this invitation is not transferable and should not be posted or shared.
@Dr. Evil Genius: Cold as Winter: you should get a green diving-suit with face mask first
these are all wrong, everybody knows the sun orbits our flat earth
@MrTripps: brilliant soundtrack, it's like a blend between inception and tron
this clip has a better autobot than the entire transformers movie
@JimmyChiChi: what is this guy planning ?
for some weird reason the left pic makes me think of the movie constantine.
@Bassman22: but how will i know my pin-number? i usually just press the 4 corners and money comes out
@comrade_leviathan: prefferably on you windows phone 7 with voice search feature
@ravenzero: i guess i don't then
@comrade_leviathan: nonono, [letmebingthatforyou.com]
@vintage: dear god, i hate you
@Word to your mother: yeah in their original resolution, i was thinking more in the lines of stretching them out a bit but keeping 4:3 ratio
@ravenzero: people still say that. it makes you look either insane or like an ass
@pekosROB: i didn't like it all that much, it seems too wide for some reason
i don't like math, so i'll ask you guy's. can i watch 2 SD movies (or tv channels) side by side on this thing ? seems like it might fit
@pekosROB: i've seen a pirates: at worlds end on one of those philips tv's. don't know if there are more blu-rays with this aspect ratio