@brendolonius: you'll also look like a jackass using it
@brendolonius: you'll also look like a jackass using it
i want that radio
@rjdub: whut ? i'll just use my massive wall of AWESOME to block their traces
@Tristam Green: i will just h4X0r the bank's 1nterw3bs
@xhedgehogx: it takes m4d sk1llz
this makes me think of inception for some reason
@Saturn666: you better sleep with one eye open or steve is going to get ya
@xhedgehogx: hah, i never noticed that before :-D
@Onizuka-GTO: lol, no i don't live in the US, nice try though :D
so you gotta pay to get it free, that doesn't sound right
@riotluck: i don't get it. I tought this was a vacuum cleaner, not a washing machine. does it spray water? does it have a water reservoir? a water setting? I'M SO CONFUSED
sweet, mental illness toys. gotta catch'em all
@NanorH: i would be ok if it just made toast
@AwokeKnowing: i need to see it next to natalie portman to judge if it's bright enough
@hjustin93: it's her cup size divided by 0
@AdrianoBatista: they all secretly want hiz madz skillz
@WingedGenius: wtf, is this just to play the inception soundtrack ?
@Bishweesh: i usually stick my tongue in their ear, it's a better medium for the sound-vibrations