Nice try. The actual gender of the LW is utterly unimportant since I’m referring to the people commenting here who pretty much all say ‘she’.
Nice try. The actual gender of the LW is utterly unimportant since I’m referring to the people commenting here who pretty much all say ‘she’.
That steering wheel looks like a goatee and I was very confused as to why what looks like Worf’s head is driving a pie.
I demand to be able to swipe left or right on whose ass is in my face. Dinner first would be nice too.
I wish that would work for me. I make 99% of the cake, cookies and bread I eat and yet i’m still no size 2.
What I’d really would like to know what it is that makes that work on some people but not on all. If it’s not just willpower, as the article states, then what is it and how to we get more people onto that?
Eloquent. All you have to do is read the comments to see exactly that played out over and over again.
Oh the fun of being a woman. If we do complain we get called Karen in a millisecond. If we don’t complain we get jack all and get blamed for not complaining. Do I need to point out the irony?
Lol she can’t win can she. If she doesn’t complain she gets nothing if she does complain you’ll call her a Karen in a New York second.
So if soup is a meal and cereal is soup that means cereal is a meal.
Lol declaring a truce after insulting me. Do people fall for this shit? Consider being less of a condescending douche, it costs no money.
Funny how the reclining haters care only about their own comfort... exactly what they complain about.
You could also, upon use, accidentally get a coffee spilled on you. It might happen.
This trolling is strange.
They don’t. Duh. That’s why it’s always rice cereal treats and not rice crispies.
Aperol didn’t pay them for the advertisement.
How’s cheese and onion a brit thing? France does that all the time, and so does the rest of Europe.
Nah my dentist calls that their second car.
yes, kevin, we know you hate it when women talk.
That dad joke is so old and overused that i’m actually surprised people still noticed it. was the outrage sponsored by krispy kreme?
Carry a purse.