
I totally misunderstood what you were saying in your original post and agreed with rudebarb's assessment of it but I want ya to know after reading the whole thread (all 39503572958 comments) I went back and UNSTARRED rudebarb's response to your post. You make good points, despite your somewhat unorthodox style, and I

I don't think you're being a crybaby. And I totally understand your wanting to vomit.

If your part of your intent of the comment was to see if anyone else feels this way, I feel similar. The story made me feel nauseous. Especially with the specifics that were given. I don't want to believe that genetic sexual attraction is normal and I can't help but feel like normalizing it would be used to justify

I have experience on two sides of this equation. (I say 'two sides' because I believe there are other sides, including those of non-abusive family members.) I was adopted at birth. Later on, when I was 9 or 10, I was sexually abused by my adoptive brother. As a feisty kid, I fought against the abuse—not an obligation

Firstly, let me say that I am absolutely sorry that you have had to experience any kind of sexual abuse by anyone in your life. That is not something that anyone should have to go through in their lives and you are 100% entitled to your feelings on the matter.

You're not the only one either. This article has irresponsible implications and these comments are a classic example of jezebelians terrified of stepping on someone else's stories and "lived experiences" so they take the other extreme end

"We have evey right to badger you because you don't relate to the idea that GSA is normal and understandable."

You're NOT the only one. And I don't buy the evo-psych bullshit that 50% of fathers can't help but want to rape their daughters because new buzzword GSA.

As for the comments, I tried to remove them before you responded because they were unnecessary. I didn't remove them after you commented.

The commenter has been clear that she is describing HER feelings. Get over it.

Because maybe other readers can relate.

I hear whst you're saying, and I totally get it. And I agree with you. I'm sorry for everything you went through.

You're brave for coming back and checking the replies. Reading the comments from your comment left me feeling very conflicted and made me reflect a lot on what understanding and empathy really are. I know a lot of people are not exactly showing empathy towards you here. I don't know what is right from wrong, but your

Yeah, I figured it was probably a very uncomfortable article for you to read and so you might have missed that. I was just worried with everyone piling on you that nobody was going to even have the empathy to point out the difference to you! Kind of the whole point of GSA is that you can't have met before (or only

And just to be clear, the article is saying that it is "statistically normal" for two people who are biologically related to feel sexually attracted to each other if they meet as adults. Presumably that's because:

I was originally going to abstain from commenting since I have never suffered the sort of abuse mentioned by the writer or many people commenting here but I have trouble with the mild hypocrisy going on here. Rudebarb, you say that you"expect" the OP to show a little empathy yet you yourself are (probably) not an

The responses you've gotten have been very harsh and unsympathetic, and I'm sorry you've been attacked so mercilessly here.

Holy shit, thank you. I'm sitting here with my mouth open reading RudeBarb's comments like...she's lecturing others on empathy when she has absolutely none of her own.

Except for the part where you told her she was communicating 'the wrong way', whatever the fuck that means. I don't care if you hide that fact behind wussy-ass lines like "was maybe not the right tack to take". She was communicating her feelings, so if you say she was communicating wrong, then you say she was feeling

"I would just expect that someone who is a victim could show a little empathy"