Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He’s even slurring his tweets now.

The tongue is amusing, but it also means she’s overheating and very stressed.

Like a denim-encased marshmallow.

Does anyone think Trump has ever been to the wilderness and wondered at the beauty of nature?

If Donald falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, is it OK if I push a tree on top of him?

Her breasts appear to be in an unusual location, which Franken may not have been aware of in advance.

You want to fuck with the cops, you better start clean. This lady fucked up by having an outstanding warrant, even if for minor shit.

The mother in “The Road” agrees.

Alternate tag line:

despite having never tried a case

Miller looks fine. Just fine. Nothing to see here.

If CK wants to jerk off in front of women, all he has to do is hire a hooker for 45 seconds. This isn’t about satisfying a harmless kink—it’s about dominance and intimidation.

Omarosa is the worst. A total narcissist like Trump.

If you need a character to be created just so you can bum rides, you’re a pretty shitty zoomer.

“Trump handed it out while making a pretty clear point to ignore one particular child dressed as a T-rex. As Trump turns to face it, the forced smile drops from his sagging face, revealing for just a split second the rotting crone resting behind his waxen facade. The T-rex awkwardly wanders on, and we’re left to

But we didn’t have to hear their whining until those confounded “talkies” started up in the 20's.

Finally, a truck made for this guy:

I think it’s spelled “douchey.”