As the GOP base has demonstrated, all you need to do is be white, and repugnant to liberals.
As the GOP base has demonstrated, all you need to do is be white, and repugnant to liberals.
Based on the general election and on Georgia, the Trump influence appears to result in Democrats winning elections. So, as much as I’d love to never hear about any of these assholes ever again, I guess they can stick around if it means they continue to poison their own well.
“Y’all Qaeda."
The slightest bit of fawning and the gates would open. Add in a pair of tits and he’ll lean into the microphone.
Absolutely obligatory
If only there was some way that you could not watch this show.
Why do we care about these racists?
Skimmed the article and still not sure who these people are or why anyone would follow their nonsense drama, but if nothing else these pieces validate my intention to not allow my child access to social media or YouTube for as long as I can control such things.
If you made them into soup, it could be a Bisque Limpet.
That boy LOVES airplanes!
“Definition of ‘countryside’: to kill Piers Morgan.”
esther this is clearly this is cicely strong impersonating a poorly-medicated victoria jackson
Kayleigh isn’t McEnany sense.
Oooh, I’m channeling the shit chocolate pie from The Help!