Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

but what’s good about this is I know for sure my Mom and 99% percent of the greys at her church and bridge club couldn’t find OAN or any other news outlet on their TVs to save their withered souls. Granny knows TV Land, when the Golden Girls rerun, and her Fox — ain’t nothing anyone could do to add another channel to

horseshit.  No one should do anything to further enable this traitorous orange horse’s ass.  Document every goddamn thing Trump does/refuses to do to tie up this transition and publicize the hell outta the stories.  Make sure they are front page across all media.  If anything Biden should back channel to all

we’re thinking alike. Cosplaying Terence Stamp? (Though Terence Stamp is, by accounts, a mostly good bloke).

now I’m sure there’s some precedent for much worse things being bandied about between Feds and States right up before the Civil War, so this is nothing new for these kinda jackasses

Fuckin’ Atlas has got a IRL Ghost Butler vibe going with those eyebrows and his general dicky evilness.  These next 2 months are going to be HELL for our sanity.

I like reading about such empowerment, activism, and the work for a better world. Keep it up, you matter!

and you were there!  yours is a great story

Obama’s election was the best political event in my lifetime. Such a milestone, so much hope, and what a fantastic event for my young sons. It was historic and gave folks a lot of hope. Sad how quickly we lost that momentum but the 2018 helped flip it some and I’m now feeling pretty damn good about VP Kamala Harris. 

you mean you’d shut down those shitty non-tax paying hypocritical cultish institutions?  I’m right there with you anytime you wanna take ‘em on.

and ALWAYS has been a sign that you’re an asshole.  Thanks for playing Judge Sam (geez, what a moran!)

Holy fuck we’re wholly fucked with these SupremOs. We need the Senate NOW or definitely in 2022 and we pack a dozen lib judges in there. Fuck all pretenses of balance. Alito only shows himself in the friendly confines of a Haters dinner but this speech MUST be published and distributed to all.  This is worse that

hey now ... I think I’m closer to like a 15 yr old, especially when I’m commenting

think I need you as a life coach when making big decisions

Copeland’s gaping mouthed laugh is 100x creepier and 100x more dangerous than Pennywise

I don’t have time but I’m sure it would take very little to find Frau Ingraham tearing apart all the identified and anonymous whistleblowers that have come out against Trump but she’s cloyingly feeding this horseshit source.  What was Ingraham’s opinion of Vindman or that WH leak Anonymous?  She sure shows her

fuck ... we love Sanibel. thanks for ruining that place for us Mike

I want to believe but the sleazy taint wart gets away again & again.  He’s had all his best legal minds (hah!) looking at ways out for the last 3 yrs and you know he has some kind of endgame moves to whip out.  He’s one to always countersue and to force extended evidentiary schedules and all kinds of legal BS, so

hey, it works for soloists

his wife & son would be so damn proud ! 

It is a FLAME DRAGON!  What an awesome Fit.