Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

nah ... don’t you remember him celebrating Mexicans day with the tor-tilla salad at Trump Tower? 

who else wonders if Trump’s gonna pull a Parasite move and live out of the bunker awhile ...

yep ... a possible 2nd wave shutdown is about the only way Donnie could guarantee a boast that his inaugural crowd was bigger than Biden’s.  Joe & Kamala are owed a do-over when we’re all clear.

it would be completely in character ... but be assured Donnie will tweet all about it in real time or maybe even do a live simulcast with the Fox & Friends

Pence POTUS would be hours to a day ... just long enough to pardon Trump

sympathy for those Secret Service dudes that do the golf back & forths in that hermetically sealed Beast limo.  You know good & well Donnie stopped trying to blame those skids on the leather seats 3 yrs ago and now just lets loose as soon as his fat ass plants in the backseat.

Ughhhh ... you think Donnie has gone off on a Taco Bell bender?
Oh the humanity!

She enabled Donnie’s grift on the D.C. hotel and she lied to Congress about the multiple closed meetings she had with POTUS, Kelly, & Mulvaney over the FBI HQ relocation. Those are just two of the known fuckovers she’s pulled.

FACT: at 2:30am on Nov 4, 2016 the media called the election for Trump over Clinton. Born agains sure didn’t waste a minute of time cheering that ... sure didn’t question any media comments then.

y’all mean into Tammy Faye ... surely you’d do Jessica 100x before ever touching Tammy Faye, right?

Dude should follow Tammy Faye on into an eternal slumber ... or maybe like more recent irony of preacher Irvin Baxter’s COVID death

you’re wrong and she wants to talk to your editor

it’s “wuhtter ice” ... add hot grinders, street corner pretzels, and Amoroso rolls

live there for 15 yrs and I definitely lost my midwest naivete while loving that city

Biden incoming cabinet (we’ve had worse)

Licentious Lentz is a preacher and he & the fam dress like b-grade stars. Society is seriously fucked that such a “man of god” grifts off of the people. Lentz sucks like a tick feeding on the money, the property, the affections, and the psyche of those stupid enough to want to believe. Believers deserve to be screwed

you are much too quick to forgive
Kemp is still Gov and Loeffler is a Sen ... both of those two jackasses are there because of GA voters

nah ... Perot’s Veep candidate was the best

i realize its all perspective but still gotta think it would be fun to have Loeffler hold her huge hands up against Trump’s tiny paws ... how emasculating

‘64 — an easy answer to what I want