rando girl

* wailing guitar solo drowns out the cries of the vanquished. 

*Busts out of Hu Lao Gate*

Reaper come kill us!

So are you saying we should not pursue Reaper now?

This game is fantastic. As a long time fan of the series this is everything I've wanted in an AC game. But I think this one could be there first game that could really appeal to the masses. If you're thinking about picking up this game or want a change of pace from the endless first person shooters or whatever, this

MiG-21bis with gunpods is so much fun. I love shredding aircraft with the guns only.

There are people who hate us? 

2018 was the year I happily embraced being a casual fan of many things and stepped away from the internet more and more. Its much more healthy to take a step back and embrace the physical and tangible rather then the digital. Turning away and turning off toxicity online was a very good skill I learned.

So what you’re saying is he recognizes his consequences have actions and is taking steps to prevent negative outcomes in his control. Hmmm, sounds like maturing to me.

uh, looking at the big picture and making a business decision that will benefit you is being mature. As opposed to say, continuing to play a roll you don’t believe in to satisfy a toxic community so you can maintain your reddit cred.

I should be shocked how gamers went from “ra-ra consumer rights!” to “please go back to being a defacto monopoly!” on a fucking dime.

“support roles to murderers”, eh?

With any luck, the economics of war will continue to trend toward it being too unprofitable to consider in the modern world.

9 years training to murder, 2 years murdering.

The US Army continues to be profoundly disgusting in how they operate. I loved the article, it was informative and interesting and pretty objective considering the content. I personally found the story utterly repulsive. Video games are fantasy. The army murders people. Period. End of story. There should be no

They should buy every recruit a copy of Spec Ops: The Line and make sure they play through to the end.

“So... if I get shot, do I just hide behind cover for a few seconds or are there med packs?”

“That I’m hauling around a pneumatic shoulder-fired catapult that throws football-sized nuclear bombs, that I’m cool with. That sleeping heals broken limbs, fine. That drinking irradiated cola heals injuries, that checks out. But WOMEN IN A BATTLEFIELD GAME, that’s a step too far, sir!”


At the risk of instigating, I’ll assume that everyone who’s up in arms about heavy bobbypins is also up in arms about the breach in realism of having a magical device you can deploy anywhere that materializes 400+ pounds of shit you’ve collected in exchange for a little bit of money. And that they’re against the