
Someone in your neighborhood may have been stealing power/tv. do you have Cable internet and was the problem around all the time or just when someone might be home watching Tv? Years ago That’s what happend to me someone nearby was stealing cable and power and had wired it wrong every time he watched Tv it would send

It looks very similar to the wider varieties of poutine you get, though obviously it has sauce instead of gravy and no cheese curds. Either way it looks really tasty.

This is ancedotal as I’m not American. However I have an acquaintance online that I chat with on voice chat while playing games. Ive made the mistake in the past of asking him questions to. Better understand things.

I’m really enjoying Dreamworld dig 2 sadly I’m stuck. And can’t get to the last part fir the earthquakes. I obviously missed something but can’t seem to find the way.

I’m enjoying it a lot. I’m primarily a Of gamer and the switch has lead me to play a lot of games I wouldn’t have touched before because they work so well on the go.

My friend has this on steam. It was a lot of fun I finished as the sorceress I think with a high beauty state but can’t remember her final character. We did stop the sun cultists I believe.

One thing thats frustrating, is that when groups talk about Islam it gets treated as a single Monolithic entity like the whole religion has one single set of beliefs rather han two branches with a lot of sub branches. Where as when we discuss Chrstianity its in terms of “Southern Evangelicals” or similar specific sub

Not that Im aware of. the RCMP serve as both the local police for a lot of western Canada and play the same role as the FBI. They seem to have a lot higher levels of training than the local police in the Us. Additionally i think the community policing model is more prevalent here in Canada which again reduced a lot of

It is pretty standard here in Canada, I Just assumed it was also the case elsewhere.

I havent watched this particular Anime tho it is on my list now, I only mentioned the pronouns as It is the easiest way to see in Japanese how the person wishes to present themselves as far as self identity goes.

I actually always assumed in Canada that it fell under the other laws that govern when a person was in a position of authority.

My Mom and I always went out for dinner on Halloween. Part of the problem was our dog wanted to protect the house from the trick or treaters and hide from fireworks and she couldnt do both at the same time so her little brain broke. It was easier to pack her in the Van and let her sit in an enclosed space while we ate

Does the character use watashi boku or ore to identify themselves? If it is Ore the character is very likely male. If it is watashi it is likely female. If the character uses boku they may be male but sometimes tomboy characters use boku. I’m guessing if they are deliberately obscuring things the character uses boku.

I play Scrabble on the ipad every morning with my mom. I’ve used both methods because she’s actually better at making big words than I am. I’ve also found psychological warfare helps. Its all I can do to keep a 50/50 win loss rate.

I think part of the problem is by being pardoned it removes any legal opportunities to fight the original conviction. I think a lot of this stems from trump pardoning him before he ever sent to jail or finished the appeals process. Not seeking to defend them thus us just what I’ve gleened from the articles. What I

The impression I got is many public universities either have rooms you can rent or groups on campus can invite outsiders to speak. Essentially the same rule that would let a dragon ballz fan club invite the voice actor for goku to speak let’s a young Republicans group invite spender. In this case I belive he rented

I find a good rule of thumb is if your country has faught a war to oppose the ideas someone is espousing I’m not terribly bothered by those views being silenced.

Ooo oo #2 is easy! If you are by yourself, then you are in fact a lone ninja and your opponnent who is both not a ninja and not alone (as he seems to be part of the defense) is not a lone ninja therefore you can easily defeat him by virtue of being a lone ninja.

I thought you could move saves on those systems? I have no experience the swich is my only Nintendo product.

Uhh, its unlikely and probably unreasonable to expect that. The WIIU presumably has different OS architecture and likely saves the data differently.