I get the impression that the save data seems linked to the account and the games assigned to that account. This seems stupid, but the way this working that looks like the case.
I get the impression that the save data seems linked to the account and the games assigned to that account. This seems stupid, but the way this working that looks like the case.
What functional use is there for that save transfer setup? The only reason I can think to use it is if My Nintendo switch wwas near the end of its life and i had bought a new one. I suppose if They introduce an improved version of the switch and dont disable this feature i suppose it could be used. but all of these…
I find fantasy settings tend to be an amalgamation of snapshots in time The Fantasy cultures Un Europe are lockded into a mix of early renaissance and late medieval tropes, anything set inb an Arabian knight style setting will be stuck inside the imagery from the 1001 knights mixed with some of the tropes from the…
I’m in my first plsythroigh and married Abigail. She cheers me on as I go into the mines.
It was the fellow that died at the Oregon standoff that was doing the foster kid thing, ive never read anywhere of the bundies doing that. Wierdly, even here in Canada where the FLDS have town they control the Provincial government has never gone after them for welfare fraud. Though the leadership there is currently…
Thats awefull, However it misses my point in That whatever benefits the First Nations get is not in places of whatever benefits the town do not get. It also looks like the provinces environmental enforcement laws are honestly horrible, $670? Why the bleep is that an appropriate fine?
The short answer? When you Do enough damage to people that the he damage transcends generational lines to the point where they struggle to raise their children then it creates a reason for the govornment to then take said children away.
People often dont understand things like generational poverty and how badly we fucked up the first nations and how this extends through generational lines. They dont do a good job explaining this in school, We learned that we were awful to them in broad strokes but things like the residential schools were not…
If Your town is having cancer rates due to the mill then you need to talk to your local representatives and make a big deal about it. Whatever deal the local first nations made with the pulp mill is completely seperate and has nothing to do with things. Incidentally that is a bad deal for them. Your town collects…
I didn’t finish it on steam bit it will be a great addition to my limited switch games. I’m hoping I am better at steering the boat with the joycons....
Its a very old religion with no singular central authority. Its not necessarily the same religion in every country. Just look how many different version of Christianity there is. And its not even half ad old.
Your confusing game terminology with rl physics and using it to criticize the game. None of the planets or moons in the game rotate or move because that would take astronomical CPU power. the game struggles when 3-4 thousand players fight it out in a single system Animating 7-8 planets 50+ moons in a thousand+ systems…
It was an interesting article but my google fu is too weak to find it again. That said the Cities currently getting the benefit of the brain drain are currently all heavily intertwined with the US Economy while benefiting from Canada’s immigration laws. The article seemed to suggest though is that it would take…
There was an article in I think politico about tech companies already shifting business to Vancouver and Toronto. Apparently on tech s large portion of your work force with at least a bachelor degree are imigrsnt workers.
Im playing for the first time having gotten it on the switch. I am enjoying the game. That said i didnt find many cues in game on the social stuff and just got to the flower festival to have everyone turn me down :( ive given several gifts and ht the two gifts a week thing but Honestly have no idea if i have been…
Unfortunately without religion Europe would probably taken a lot longer to recover from the fall of Rome. On the plus side though we would probably have a lot less Latin in our vocabulary.
You may be right but I did not think it was possible for anyone to be openly gay during that period
Lots of people paint nudes without being horny, it helps a lot when learning to draw. That said, from what I understand most of the evidence suggests Da Vinci was gay further removing horneyness as a reason in this case.
Right except its likely existing laws already account for that. The only place I could think of has a bear population far higher than anywhere else.
In the one case of a bear on the street I took the long rout him to avoid it.