How do people deal with the shrines requiring motion control? I use my switch almost exclusively on the go and the shrines I encountered using the motion control have really put me off as they are basically uncompleted :(
How do people deal with the shrines requiring motion control? I use my switch almost exclusively on the go and the shrines I encountered using the motion control have really put me off as they are basically uncompleted :(
Yes, I get that. Look The Central Theme among all of this is that the Checks and Balances that exist and are supposed to stop stuff like this in its infancy didnt happen. Multiple people on their own Or pressumably due to conspiracy charges because they were told to did not do their Job. People did not just get sick…
Look I am going by the Quote that you gave me that’s it. The line about him suppressing information is right out of the information you gave me from the last post. As in the statement you made Indicates he is being charged with suppressing information. I have no opinion on whether he is responsible for suppressing…
Yes Because Treudeau who isnt from ontario and doesn’t have a riding in Ontario clearly went back in time and helped raise this woman. Or perhaps he approached her right at the beginning of his time in office and brain washed her from a nice upstanding citizen who clearly had no racist tendencies until he took…
‘taking steps to suppress information illustrating obvious and apparent harms,’
This is going to date me horribly, but the First game I ever bought was an MS Dos version of Colossal Caves Adventure. think I was 9 or 10 it is also one of only two games I ever bought a hint book for. Honestly even as an adult Im not sure I could figure out the little maze of twisty passages all alike or the little…
Shakespeare’s plays get re-written for contemporary audiences all the time.
once you get to Darnell Earley and the other managers they are all charged with conspiracy I assume this means they were giving instructions to the lower level people to cover things up. So the question is why did multiple emergency managers all make the same poor decisions and who appoints them?
Cpap and Bipap is a type of machine rather than a brand. Basically cpap continually sends pressure one direction and a bipap adjusts pressure so that when you breath out your not breathing against the inward pressure. So to give you an example, When they first moved me to a bipap machine the pressure was so high that…
You need to learn to tune out the background noise of the machine so your body sets it as normal. Though the severety of your sleep apnea can probably affect the urgency of this. In my case my apnea is pretty severe and without the machine I don’t sleep so much as pass out due to lack of oxygen. Now my body associated…
a quick google search suggests that is Sepak Takraw and the brief video of it I watched it looks pretty cool. Also seems to require the sort of flexibility I last had as a toddler.
Unfortunately I cant relate, As a Canadian I cant relate to your feelings of disenfranchisement. While I obviously have an opinion of which of the two US parties I like more there is no emotion behind it. What I can say is that 1 party given absolute reign with no one to check them can write laws that take more than 1…
The problem is Unless there is a statute that says a certain percentage of the populace has to attend a vote generally low voter turn out doesnt invalidate a vote legally. Secondly the general impression i get is that the GoP’s voting strategy is intended for low voter turnout. Essentially by boycotting a federal…
Hey what do you have against Goats! They cant help having Kids!
Yeah I primarily use my Switch on the Go so the Multi-player stuff isnt specifically a draw for me though not for lack of interest just hard to use it on a bus :P But because of that primary use I needed headphones that could cancle out the surrounding noise.
My issue with a seperate program is sound will cone from two locations. The headphones I currently use ate noise cancelling.
Uhh, A lot of the reservations are essentially on non-viable tracts of land They have a choice of abject poverty + starvation vs simply poverty there are exceptions. Additially many no longer have enough members who speak the origonal language. Id also add that isolating themselves like that would also cut them off…
Maybe a bad example then, It was the first one I thought of and covers the Gyst of what I think this all is seeking to prevent. Though Im not sure Europeans introducing them to knitting matters.
This might help if you try and picture what the logical reaction is to people having their culture actively stomped out for 200 or so years. Its going to make them protective of it. Many of the Dances etc, and events like the pot lach were illegal until I think the 70's.