Heres an Example that might help, theres a type of knitting done in the cowichan valley
Heres an Example that might help, theres a type of knitting done in the cowichan valley
Here in Canada we had about 150 years of cultural genocide, First Nations Speaking English wasnt optional, it was crammed down their throat at something like 50% mortality rate.
The problem is these things don’t fix themselves over night most of our modern laws are not (that I’m aware of) racist.
Woops I had the date off slightly so 2 years after I left highschool.
My mom when she graduated from university got a Job in the interior of BC, I think in Cranbrook teaching Elementary School. This would have been in the 60's. Anyhow She mentioned there was a First Nations child in the class and she had never encounter anyone with that level of anger. However, the education necessary…
He never went to Prison, he was institutionalized and once things appeared to be controlled he was released. Although the last thing I read about this he was just being released for the day, I don’t know if he fully transitioned out of the hospital.
Unfortunately they are fighting against more than poverty, although poverty is a huge factor, the trauma caused by how previous generations were treated is really hard to fathom.
Oh that makes sense, I’m not sure if First Nation was fully in use yet when we did the constitution and I guess legally fixing the new term into law would be a pain in the ass.
There was a nice article on Fusion a bit ago about, a pipeline that may be crossing Mohawk territory. It covered alot of the history of the Oka crisis well worth the read if your not familiar with that incident.
Its not very well taught even inside of Canada. How much a person is aware of it will depend a lot on education and proximity and which province you live in. Additionally, most millenials were born after the last residential school closed.
I think the legal statues that cover them may still be refereed to as the Indian act and Indian affairs, but your otherwise correct.
A lot of it is because the situation with first nations in general and the residential schools in particular are poorly covered in the education system. When I was growing up I had heard about it but thought it was something that had ended a long time ago. As an adult I took an essay writing course and one of the…
When you read about something like this in Canada the key thing to note is that it seems to have happens on an Indian reserve. A lot of the laws that used to exist that have been removed but the residential schools created problems that are generational and even if poverty were not a factor (which it is) would still…
Wait are you saying when he invited this woman over he had no intention of cheating on his wife? You know he had to get fake prescriptions to obtain a date rape drug ahead of time right?
Thing is, the nature of how he engaged in these acts means even the acts them selves are “consentual” you can put it in quotes why? Because as far as I know all the women were in a subservient position to him either directly or in directly where saying no would affect their jobs. So he’s either a rapist who uses power…
My memory mat be shoddy but I was under the impression trying to have the special prosecuter fired and his AG refusing that was one of the events leading towards impeachment.
Right, but If I am remembering correctly (and anyone with more info can correct me if I am wrong) that basically leads to one of the Situations that Nixon ran into.
Ahh, I was under the impression He would have to ask Sessions to do the firing. I just know That its going the whole direction that got Nixon in trouble. I wasnt sure how much direct control he had over the DoJ hiring beyond the AG. Either way It seems like it would be a poor decision.
I was under the impression he cant fire the man, that only the assistant AG could because Sessions recused himself. So He would have to ask the assistant AG to fire him and the assisant AG is under no obligation to agree.
Yeah going over the thread now I see that. At the time I had only a few of MSG post to go on and he does seem to try and d convey the idea Europeans are the source of the world’s genocides, this ideas wrong though given Europe’s sucesa and not genocide ideas can see how a person might belive that.