Yeah, I was aware of the difference between the two calendar’s but too lazy to figure out the math. Actually this is from Wikipedia seems Easter was the reason For the switch to the Gregorian
Yeah, I was aware of the difference between the two calendar’s but too lazy to figure out the math. Actually this is from Wikipedia seems Easter was the reason For the switch to the Gregorian
I think as a Zombie he was relegated to lurching, unless he was a fast Zombie then he would.. actually I have no idea what the descriptive term for fast zombie movement is.
They had the Julian Calendar, which had inaccuracies but at that time had only been used for under a century and I am not sure how much out of date it was in a mere hundred years. That said other religious holidays like christmas have been moved to a different date, but I have no Idea if that was done for Easter.
Im guessing here, but these people seemed to be in the habit of filming themselves (or at least her) engaged in non-social norm sexual acts. The article also mentioned orgies. If anyone at that party was under age (Say in the still a child but not quite an adult age) and was either directly filmed, or even…
His video was very helpful. Normally when I see these issues come up in news feeds like the recent advertising Kafuffle and my view has been “then produce things people would want their add associated with”. But He does a good job of explaining the larger problems. It seems odd, as alot of it seems like planning and…
As a Preface to this, I do not regularly watch the sort of videos on youtube covered by this so my perception could be wrong. From the articles I have read here and elsewhere these “content creators” seem like they are basically doing a new form of self employment. They get money from google through advertising but do…
I mentioned this in the Gizmodo version of this but i’ll repeat here. Flying for a lot of people is Extremely stressful. Often the flight itself connect to plans that are interconnected and decided well in advance. Meaning delaying them could cost time and money. This entire encounter was poor logistics on the part…
The theatre I see movies at 2/3 of the movies are advertised as having CC I can’t see why it would be advertised uf it were difficult to turn on.
They don’t connect in the same way because the nature of race relations here is different. Don’t get me wrong, historically Canada has done some horribly crappy things, and I suspect the White privilege issue was much more prevailent when my parents were young. but now? The Vancouver Lower Mainland where I live is one…
Wow I make a comment about not making broad cultural assumptions and... look if it wasn’t clear from my previous post but I’m not American I can only filter what I read in the news through a foreign culture.
It was surprising is all as I expect anyone in university to be able to roughly support their beliefs and at the very least be able to fully support them in a follow up conversation. So this trying to articulate strongly held beliefs through raw emotion was a bit surprising. He also was really upset about hillary…
Generally speaking Arab is portrayed as a single ethnic group thst is unified by language but not genetics as you said but it makes me wonder how valid is grouping the Latin population together? I personally don’t have the experience tto judge that.I can say though as a Canadian of a hodgepodge of European descent I…
Given that white isnt a race either.. Latinx is however a percieved cultural group with Spanish language as a historical unifying factor but no genetic commonality.
I have an acquaintance that I talked to on voice chat while plating online games. As Canadian politics is boring I’d often try asking him questions to get a better sense of whats going on . Otherwise I’m just filtering the information through a left leaning foreign perspective. Anyhow I found almost everything he was…
Sigh i’ll make one Attempt to explain this. Sexuality is a biological imperitive it cant be shut down Its not a choice, your mine or anyone elses religious beliefs have no bearing on the matter. Being a teenager is hard, you have lots of hormones you cant controll it can be difficult for normal teens that fit in. for…
Everything you just said is likely why young people are commuting suicide.
The Fact that the pipeline is going through their land without their permission thing seems to be based on some energy laws that are not specifically about being Jerks to First nations, but let them be jerks to anyone they want. I cant remember the specifics but when they were trying to do a pipeline here in British…
Umm, Im not sure what your response has to do with anything I said. I’ll try This another way. Assad is an aweful person. The world would be better off in the long run if he were gone. He is also the only person keeping a section of a country in a civil war stable. From what I understand a good portion of his power…
Ugh no regime change especially in the middle of a civil war doesn’t work like that. Leaders even strong men exist stop a pillar of loyalties and once the head is removed the vaccine is filled by whomever van either forge nre loyalties or create a nre power structure.
Well its a really specific type of building, like you’ll only hear/read Pyramid if your reading a topic on egypt or south america or a game trying to Emulate structures like a Pyramid. Its the same with Ziggurat its a specific type of structure, unless your reading material is on Babylon or Sumeria or trying to…