
When I am playing EU IV or similar games I look up the places that I am invading. One of my best games was playing a Tiny kingdom called Theodora which is apparently a remnant of the Byzantine Empire after the Latin Invasion. Its also the apparent last reminant of the Goths at the start of the game. Sadly the

Your right in that if he Us had wanted him gone he would have been gone. The Us would have also then had to replace the Syrian govornment, and spent about 10 to 20 years controlling the Syrian govornment. If they didnt want to do that in Iraq why would they in Syria? If they killed him and did not replace the

They have a nanny. No need for maternity leave someone else is raising their child.

Apparently some people were bothered by the fact that she was prepared and saw trump as being spontaneous. Kind of hard to fathom really.

The Records honestly where not very good during that Time. My grandma had 3 different Birth certificates, Her father fled the Bolshevik’s in Russia and forged several birth certificates as they hid their identities. She was likely born in russia but we dont actually have any proof.

Another thing to note is that in order for this to not immediately be acted upon several people failed to notice UT that were standing right there.

The thing is even without BC the GOP will quietly visit their cousin in another state and return a few weeks later from the “vacation”

Thing is the bathroom part wasn’t the most offensive part of the bill. That part was canoeing but probably unenforceable. The part where you could get denied a place to live or similar measures was probably worse and I asume that wasn’t appealed.

I cant waitch the video right now but err is that a Unicorn?

Yeah, The other thing which I think is where this connects to The origonal article is a lot of people are not fully able to grasp Ideas like generational poverty, or how a culture can be victimized and then un-able to heal even though in modern times things are much better, because the wounds of one generation are

My mom is 74 now but Taught art for years in public school here in British Columbia. When she first graduated she got a job working in the Interior, the idea was to be far enough away from her parents they couldnt expect her home on weekends.

I’ve found upgrading in win 10 really easy a few months ago I did an electronics clean out which involved updating and prepping several computers before I gave them away and in all 3 cases it went smoother then any previous experience.

The funny part is their arms are still the length of a person I think. There is the Carnotaur in south America.the arms have basically atrophied to nearly useless.

Wierdly I haven’t seen it. I just the rx show and I remember them being a mystery in the show.

There isnt really the same sort of mystery surrounding the blood raiders that exists with the reavers. One of the factions in the game the Amarr empire has a state religion. Going by memory a large part of what the Blood Raiders do seems to be part of a religious conflict with the Amarrian state religion.

You mean Political infighting is a check? :P

I think that would involve arresting and charging himself.

I know there is a rule that Executive orders passed in the last few months of an administration that have not yet taken effect can be over turned and future presidents are limitd in their ability to replace them with new EO. But i was under the impression that was done in the senate and not by the current president.

The thing is this. Trump is vindictive and vengeful, He will have no problem riling his base against any republican lawmaker that upsets him. His base will ignore any shortcommings for any of trumps cabnet. Essentially Session’s flaws are meaningless until the voter base cares and they have the base rigged to the

Essentially as long as the Republicans are afraid of angering trumps base they will ignore all the flaws in his government. I recommend looking up a youtube video called “Rules for rulers.” It may help you understand it a bit better.