
Yeah trans people are such a tiny percentage of the population that most people will go their whole life and meet only 2 or 3 and may not even be aware of it. The chance some athletic lady in a bathroom is trans is pretty low.

My friend played in a Larp like that he found out later his character was the only actual Tornado.

I was not aware illegitikate and legitimate children was still a lwgak thing.

Your Statement makes two mistakes. 1) The Modern Games connection to Greece and the ancient Olympics is just Theme and Marketing. 2) You make the mistaken assumption that Greece can afford to host the Olympics.

Strangely I had always gotten the opinion that the more money you had to spend to host the Olympics increased the chance that you would be nominated. LA being almsot ready to begin with is a negative isnt it?

Diseases dont pop into existence out of nowhere. It would literally have to be dormant in the DNA we used to make the baby mammoth and somehow go undetected.

Does It have the right to manufacure the drugs? From what I had read in the past the Drugs used to execute people were all manufactured by european companies. Because EU law is heavily against capitol punishment the companies cant legally sell them to anyone who has Capitol punishment. As far as I know If any

The companies that own the rights to the execution drugs that work are European. The American companies can’t legally manufacture them.

That Huffington post article about a rise in distrust of the govornment in Canada seems odd. If its really down that low (under 50%) then I should know people expressing a distrust of the government beyond the normal grumbling you sometimes get.

I’ve been playing solo with xp cranked up and its been okay. There seems to be a story thpugh I’ve only seen a little. I figure when I have a full camp set up I can go all conan on the NPC.

Think small town where the shop keeper or your landlord are likely to be more familiar with your situation.

Honestly? I doubt they are very close to actually usefl autonomous killer robots. Look at the amount of accidental casualties they get from drones and thats /with/ a person pulling the trigger.

If the Twitch has touch screen and the same response time as a Tablet then i cant see why I wouldnt use a browser on it. That said if its controlling the screen with joy sticks and having to type each letter in with a joy stick menu to use a web page then .. no.

If falllout 4 were released as its own game with no story conne tion to any other game it eould probably have no detractors. The negative views are from people who either hated any of the bethesda versions of fallout or tgose that put new vegas on a pedestal no other game can reach.

If falllout 4 were released as its own game with no story conne tion to any other game it eould probably have no detractors. The negative views are from people who either hated any of the bethesda versions of fallout or tgose that put new vegas on a pedestal no other game can reach.

My Last Three Bikes have all had bells. My Toucan Dog Scooter, Mountain Bike and now my Folding bike. The only problem i have found though is that now a days with people “lost in themselves” either just walking and tuning out background noise or because they have ear phones on they dont notice it. Sometimes They hear

Im not sure if this one is “the best” but i remember the character now 20 years later. We were playing first edition and i rolled all 10 or 11's for stats and was un-happy about this. So to increase the chance of death via suckitude i picked dagger and thrown dagger as my two starting thief weapon proficiencies. I

There seems to be two versons of the website and it arbitraruly switches between the two when i. Read on my tablet. I assume one os pc the other is phone verson as i only get the “the root does bot exist” verson pn my phone. Unless i specifically go to the root manually.

Its because of what he was charged with that the chance of being convicted was higher. Alot of the things police are accused of is for lack of a better term peripheral to their expected duties. Dont get me wrong the fact that people are get shot for routine traffic stops is aweful, but that it might happen falls

I think its less the starting price and how fast the prices drop. Playstore has sales but honestly nothing like steam. The prices stay close to the starting prices a lot longer.