
The thing is the evidence that the stuff that did not work wouldnt work was around before the Us ever tried it. Humans have been torturing eachother for a long time and there is alot of data on its effectiveness, or rather the lack of its effectiveness.

That would require the Algae plant to be next to the ocean, but given what they do with fish farms... however I think Generally and im going by memory here they are in a controlled enviroment and fed something that isnt just floating around. I was going to say like human waste.. but sadly is probably far too much of

Honestly? Im thinking something in the game design clashes with how I approach games. Normally if a game is good but is not clicking with me i can usually at least see what others see in it. As for the short cuts I explored heavily but for some reason missed them, as ive said in other posts i just found it tedious and

I have no experience with any of these games other than this one. So i had no pre-determined playstyle. I probably did stop taking risks at some point however. Despite looking for them i only ever found about two of the short cuts leading to alot of walking, dying mid-rout lead to the game being repetative and

Its an open world survival game, beyond that I dont know much.

I spent $70 Canadian and put two seperate tries of about 10 hours each. In Both cases I got as far as the first boss then usually just died when i got there followed by a 20-30 minute walk back to die again. I was able to defeat that big monster near the beginning of the game but sadly that didnt reward me with

I thought they were bio engineering alge for this? Where the Algae are fed somthing and the methane used for the power is a byproduct. it seems to me thats a low footprint assuming they get it right.

I adressed this in another post but i’ll repreat it here. I liked the games theme and tone, it was the way the game became highly repetative and punished mistakes with.. repeating everything over and over. The idea of making the game really hard at the start and making it easier late ris honestly bad game design If

I played the Witcher 1 got it on sale and got to a part where You Exit a cavewith this witch. your forced into a long narrative sequence followed by a fight with a demon dog. I tried the fight about 20 times sitting through the narrative watching the witch die then dying myself before I gave up. Ive never gone back

Bloodborne is one of only two games ive ever purchased that I regret buying I liked the imagery for the game alot but after two separate attempts of about 10 hours play each i gave up and havent gone back. I found alot of the game play repetative (you basically kill the same monsters over and over again and it resets

Honestly? Its crappy game design. I agree He she could have seen the weapons but the way the game “teaches” and “presents information to the player is honestly horrible.

Sorry typing on a phone and i have fat fingers.

This was likely more emboldened by recent events but the groundwork for it was laid down long bwfore trump. Generally speaking while there has been some cases of people saying stupid stuff related to islam here in canada rhwre isnt much of it and 9 of the 10 provinces have not shown any signs of remotely getting pn

Despite veing canadian u dont axtually use syrup but i believe there’s a unified marketing and pricing board for the sugary goodness. That will likely be on the label somwwhere or the board itself may list the brands.

I also struggle to imagine what a wall through at least one glacier would look like.

Makes me wonder does he ignote his own executive order? Or have to write a new executive order?

On 2 I believe There was discussion of inviting China into the TPP. So it looks like they have the party streamers and noise makers ready for the party.

A bad Dental experience can be pretty traumatic. My mom (76) had two teeth pulled when she was young with no anesthetic. To this day she has trouble not shaking when in the dentists chair.

Reaction to having a tooth pulled can vary wildly. I recently had a molar temoved amd it was no big deal but my friend and my mother both indicated it really screws them up.

One thing that probably affects all of this is advertisement. I read a while ago that games with female protagonists do not sell very well. The same article talked about how much money games with male protagonists get, how much ones with mixed protagonists get and how much one with a purely female protagonist gets.