
Wouldnt have to move it up alot. The Middle east is currently the area with the most conflict and is also the part of the planet where human habitation will be afected the most adversely by climate change. All it would take is Iran and Saudi Arabia to move past proxie wars for things to get really ugly. While that

I see what your saying. personally i think ww3 will be over water or climate change induced habitability.

In canada it looks like the god part was optional from 1994-2010 and has since been removed. Its now just

I wonder if she has heard of animal control? I used to live in a high animal traffic area kiddie corner from a shool. In 15 years 1 bear was visible in the day time and promptly tranqued by animal co ntrol.

I don’t think there’s any way to instill the family connection, that happens when children are young and doesn’t require an actual biological connection, but meeting family  as an adult they are basically strangers.

For me the issue with the death penalty has never been does the state have the right to exercise the ultimate punishment? It does (even if here in canada where I live it has chosen not to exercise that right) but does the underlying justice system have enough checks to ensure that no one innocent is put to death.

Based on the picture they are poor. Chances are whatever child custody agreement They had put her in a position to simply deny him access or at the very least perception she could do that. Throw in poverty and the inability to challenge said agreement and he looses all access to his child. My guess is the father of he

Your right bloodsport isnt a good description of it. It would be closer to watching prisoners subject to solitary confinement during the daily excercise outing and asking them to jump through goops for our entertainment.

Honestly? Just try them all and figure out which alternative game modes you like and dont like. The one i liked had a rise and fall theme.. civs would collapse and you would take over another civ.

I would get all of them generally with civ games the dlc ultimately become a complete package that fixes any flaws in the original game and improves them.

I find if im trying to solve puzzles in a game i may often have a “stupid moment” and i simply cant look at he big picture of whats going on in the puzzle. Sometims this is solved by logging off and coming back later, othertimes a walkthrough.

Its odd how we dont think of “olden times” the same way. On christmas at the family get together there was a song playing,”Baby its cold outside” I think. One of the guests pointed out that the song is basically about date rape. Essentially the male singer tries to convince the female singer to remain witht he

I think the original reason for statue of limitations is that certain crimes become extremely hard to procecute as time goes on due to evidence for those crimes. witnesses become unreliable over time etc. with the advent of Dna this probably be changed.

I found it horrendously depressing :( Though Ive only seen half of it. Its extremely well done, i just couldnt handle the emotional roller coaster. Perhaps i am weak..

You can get locks for cans that are bear proof. My previous home had a Pond in the back yard that was literally animal central and the only time we had problems with cans being opened was when we got new tenants that had a baby with diapers and had not snapped the locks on properly.

The Us is directly responsible for one of the major destabilizing forces int he reason. The fact that the Assad Regime is currently attacking another faction isnt actually relevant given that Daesh is the largest best funded faction in the civil war (or was at least).

Yeah its not like the united states took actions that created the war oh wait my mistake tgey did.

My guess is rape has a specific kegal definition that for whatever reason was not updated to include nonconsentual sodomy. why this is the case no idea.

I wouldn’t ascribe altruistic motives to him. Ultimately a the end of the day the goal of every politician is to get elected and stay elected. In Canada Abortion is a topic that the broader public has no interest in changing the status quo. Any pushing of changing abortion laws would not get them new voters (as the

Representimg yourself in the sentencing phase wirh no law degree and death penalty is like signing a suicide pact with yourself.