
One of the stanlwy cups. that picture at the rop showing the couple kissing was from a photographic point of view one of the highlightd.

There seems to be two separate issues. 1) the pipeline is up stream and could leak. 2) there is a burial site on the land. apparently when the reservation was made no one we knew it was there.

I think the reason its more popular in asia is detatchment from your oponents as people. this is sometging that exists in general on the internet and for whatever reason people get shocked when there is consequences for actions.

It likely runs just fine. I ran the previous version of the game with alot of lighting and weather mods to make it pretty and no slide show. the new version is 64 bit and can handle more mods.

My first throught on seeing the article was how many times did the game crash during his trip?. I mean all he had to do was accidentally clip a wall and it was game over.

I think the reason they havent just cut the island in half is the potential for oil. Although given that they would not actually be drilling on the island, i am not sure how much an extra 600 meters of barren rock would add in oil.

The problem is solitary confinement doesn’t seem to be used as a “time out” as punishment it very likely makes any anti social behaviour that existed before hand worse.

To be clear none of this was in a locker room.

I have a question for those who have had a chance to try 1.4. When I played before It was as a skill power focused character. Leveling 1-30 dropping bombs and turrets etc was alot of fun. However at 30 with the bullet sponges.. not so much. NPC’s would easily survive a sticky bomb and then my lower Dps with guns and

That was my tgought also but once again faith in humanity destroyed.

Part of it is if the symbol is not rotated it has a wholly different meaning.

If he’s not capeable of understanding what he did, which all information suggests he isn’t, then throwing him in prison won’t change anything as he may not understand even that and prisons certainly ate not equipped to deal with him. It’s not as if spending his life medicated in a rubber room is somehow a good thing.

Oh generally the passport is better. But I didn’t have one at the time and a slightly higher fee seemed like a good idea to be able to conveniently cross the border. Then after all that has the I used it once :p

To get the card I had to sign an electronic screen.

Theres a card you can get here in canada to let you cross the Us border using your govorment issued ID. when applying for the card It matches your signature on a computer with an existing signature. I had to sign it 30 times before the computer decided the signatures were the same.

Wow has an ignore feature also. In the current enviroment where servers are fluid and not really rekevant if you ignore someone you shoukd never see or hear from them again.

One thing I’ve wondered tgough is how does this prioritization work? And how does it fit in with things like insurance?

This isn’t a significant other examples but I share an apartment with my mother. I needed to find games she would enjoy watching.

I’m hoping the conservatives don’t block election reform. Proportional representation might stop them from ever forming the government again.

There is no reason for any canadian to wear the Confederate flag unless it’s a 30 year old dukes of Hazzard t shirt from their childhood that somehow still fits.