
Thea isn’t really a 4x game you have 1 city and send groups off on adventures. All the events have full oname narration with lots of options on how to solve problems.

Just wanted to say I amowing this game so far. I’ve finished the main story and playing a second time now with a new God and strategy. I really like how the voice acting and story events play out. Incidentally I discovered the game during the summer sale.

According to the Article the Driver was actively accelerating, that seems pretty “off” as far as the Autopilot goes doesn’t it?

Alot of the cops in the areas they live in are part of the sect.

Actually when its written in romanji its still the japanese word. By the time it becomes english the accents are usually dropped. When Sake is spelled in english I don’t see it witg tge accent.

and somehow i replied to a thread i had already replied to a year ago.. i should read dates on things.

Being intelligent and fully understanding everything isnt the same thing. I have a friend with Asbergers who is by far the most intelligent person i know. However aspergers affects his social skills. This fellow may be mostly functional but simply not able to understand some things. The fact that what he did was

If he’s labeled a sex offender his movements and work ootions will be curtailed.

My guess is that having the info client side reduces server load, but from an anti cheat point of view its done

At a guess its likely becase important info is kept player side rather than server side. Hp ammo and some other stats are stored on the client. On pc’s this makes it easier to manipulate. Destiny is console only

I’m not sure i understand?

my guess is it provides the same desirability without any ethical issues.

Is it weird that I keep thinking the rabit should be shorter?

I’ve never heard of a case. But transgendered people are such a small portion of the populatiin.

The game offers a sandbox but doesnt really dictate how you play. You can Mine ore, make a ship then sell the ship and hire somone to blow the ship up. The game offers a mostly safe area, and more dangerous areas that are your decision to go into. With time and experience you can be as antisocial as youd like. The

My great grandfather fled the russian revolution as a result my grandma didn’t know where she was born. She had three different birth certificates likely all forged. Strangely according to my mom she only had issues once getting a passport when the clerk insisted she list the city she was born in. This was in canada

So when I ran lincoln tunnel and my team with no communication ran past tge first group of npc which I died to and then left me there un able to rez that was speed and efficiency? The one time I did russian consulate with tge exploit (because tge gane stuck me into an ongoing mission) it was probly one of the most un

I guess so however exploits ars boring. The only two times I was with a pug that did it I was frustrated because I wanted to run the mission but as a pug group with an open player slot the game kept sticking me with them. In the case of the lincoln tunnels it was extra bording because we sat on hour asses. I knew if I

I honestly can’t see how the show wouod work with just castle.

I’m curiious why you seperate hackers and cheaters seperately from someone usinh an exploit. Any adult can hopefully identify the games intended gameplay and understsnd an exploit is cheating.