
Two words to sum up no hope perfectly.

A guy was saying this on MSNBC this morning. The NRA exists solely to scare people into buying more guns, so the gun manufacturers will benefit.

From CNN:

original poster is some disingenuous BS.
Shooter 1: Far right ideology that directly drove his shooting
Shooter 2: Seemed to hate everyone. Happened to profess some leftist beliefs, but those beliefs were unrelated to what he did.

They don’t care until it personally impacts them specifically. Then they care. Empathy is a real bitch.

Oh, good, another member of the party that wants to reason with the unreasonable.  THEY AREN’T INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH YOU.

Cool joke bro. Are you disputing that these people take NRA money or that the NRA is being investigated for laundering Russian money?

Homelessness solution: Give people homes.

Texas GOP have unilaterally rolled out endless torrents of administrative burdens on abortion access, ACA, and stripping of civil rights, particularly for US ethnic minorities. Texas GOP also rolled out endless easy access to guns; remember the almost forced right to ensure guns are allowed on campuses(?).

My partner and I were yelling at the screen during the debate, “Who likes their health insurance?!!??!” Even if you have great coverage, figuring out in-network providers is a hassle and hospital visits are a fucking nightmare.

Trump says the house was robbed, Cummings says they were scared away almost immediately. Many people are saying Trump has inside information about this intrusion and that he personally hired the person. I’m not saying that I’m just saying what many, many people are saying.

Ever heard of primary season? That’s when you apply the leverage to run the candidate most to your liking.

People fawning over AOC forget why she is a representative: more people gave a damn about the primary she was running in because she put in some work. Primary/caucus season matters and too many either don’t register properly (btw: being a registered D or R doesn’t mean you can’t change your vote in the general), can’t

With that said: that’s where actually giving a rat’s ass about every election, to include all primaries and caucuses, comes into play. Register for whatever best meet 60% of your interests, aim for the candidate you want for the general, if they get it cool - but if not having a party affliation in a primary doesn’t

Or you find a candidate no matter how obscure and vote for them. Or you do a write-in. Or you campaign to bring awareness to areas you care about. Or you run yourself and be the candidate you want (a lot of new politicians are doing this now). I’m saying there are options than not participating.

I think that’s a question that only crazy people ask. If you don’t want Trump and McConnell in office, vote against them. If you don’t want the Democrats to think you like them, write them a letter.

Well, America doesn’t seem to care about them. (That lesson is taught early)

Looks like I picked the right year to stop drinking.