Male bone structure and female bone structure are typically different. A program can use additional context cues to determine gender identity, like hair styling, makeup, jewelry, clothing, etc.
Male bone structure and female bone structure are typically different. A program can use additional context cues to determine gender identity, like hair styling, makeup, jewelry, clothing, etc.
Just because current technology limits us to binary identification in many areas does not mean we should not search for more ways to gather data about the past and present. Some people get plastic surgery that shaves off part of their brow bone or jaw bone to make themselves look more feminine. I would hope that…
“Wouldn’t a woman born in a stereotypically male-labeled body want drugs that are, I dunno, designed for the characteristics of a stereotypically male-labeled body?”
“The only real way to have absolutely reliable methods would be to have cameras recording everything everywhere all the time.”
A system doesn’t have to read minds to know how someone wants to be identified. It definitely has to be more advanced than what we have today. Hair styling, clothing choices, makeup choices, and posture can all be visual cues both humans and machines may use in addition to - not instead of - physical characteristics to…
That may be a benefit if you are hoping not to be caught up in a law enforcement net (although in some cases being misidentifies will make it more likely law enforcement will pull you in), but not a benefit if facial recognition is required for you to have access to things people typically need to function in society…
From a legal perspective, perhaps not. And maybe companies will figure out how to market to people without defining their gender. Right now, however, I doubt companies will give up what they see as a useful way to define target demographics. I don’t see them abandoning that unless it can be demonstrated that there are…
There is also biometric software that can identify you by your gait and even your heartbeat. I imagine this will only become more pervasive in decades to come. Sadly, dazzle makeup is not a solution.
Part of the problem is law enforcement agencies seem to find it hard to grasp the importance of a scale of probability. For instance, they will dial the probability of a match down from, say, 95% to 85%, in order to throw a wider net. Works great for them, not so great for the greater number of innocent people caught…
This is bad, but also fascinating. I believe the dangers of facial recognition can currently only be combated with legislation, but I doubt people will just stop using biometric recognition software.
Quelle surprise!
As MaJay says: “Donate to @RAICESTEXAS. Donate to the ACLU. They’re doing as much of the legal and humanitarian stuff as they possibly can.”
A huge barrier to good, affordable public housing seems to be the American mindset that it is giving housing away to the undeserving poor. Perhaps if more jurisdictions reframed it as “workforce” housing, it would be more popular, but I doubt it.
I wasn’t sure about this because I thought he might get conjugal visits, because there’s always some nuts out there wanting romance with people who have been locked away for good reason, but NO! Federal prisons apparently do not allow conjugal visits! As long as he is in a federal facility, he will not get conjugal…
“. . . let him sit for years and decades to think . . . analyzing every moment that led him to his state until he realizes one day what he’s done.”
I have seen a lot of articles saying that rent control does not actually achieve its goals, but what are the alternatives? Things are shitty as is. Letting the market take care of things obviously isn’t working. Is socialized housing an effective alternative? Access to public housing in the US always seems like a…
Regardless of what he deserves, the rest of us deserve to be safe from him. I don’t believe in the death penalty, but I will be very happy if they lock him up and throw away the key.
“Right now it’s ‘fuck, both these people are garbage persons, I just have to go with the one of two that is slightly less garbage than the other.’”