
Well, he shouldn’t fly Solo.

Why we need the ACLU. Donate if you can.

If you study the video, it’s clear Trump said something to Melania. It looks like one word, perhaps an insulting term?

I’ve seen RWNJ’s claim the film was actually reversed by us “libtards” to make Trump look bad.

Yes, it will be a fight. For four long years. But I look forward tot he 2018 mid terms.

Why is this even a thing???

Are you sure about that armed robbery not being staged???? :D

You know what’s really, really stupid, Kim?

Maybe a Princess Leia urn? :D

Even from the grave, Carrie’s sense of the absurd can still be potent! :D

Yes, the highest standards and training on mistreating people of color.

I’ve never encountered creepier people than politicians focused on sex and their “fear of pervs”. It creeps me out that these guys spend all day fixated on this stuff. I’d like a law to require politicians have ECT before they are allowed to propose any discriminating bill against law abiding citizens due to their

Because Sohrab is picking at nits. He figures some doctor will be compassionate and treat trans, while other doctors have their “religious freedom” to refuse us services.

I’m more offended that she didn’t really sing... lip-sync is so early 2000's.

You’re a bit angry here about tolerance. I’ll tell you what, as a transwoman I left Kansas 30 years ago because it wasn’t safe for me. Hell, it wasn’t safe for me anywhere except maybe California. I took a chance on California because they were heading in the right direction; that direction being, “I may not

Now that’s the most specious reasoning I’ve ever seen. Your vote counts more because you believe in state’s rights, while my vote counts less! That is you saying you don’t believe in one man one vote. You want to disenfranchise others as long as you have more power.

What is of more concern to me, beyond these phucktastic states like Texas, is that a federal removal of funding for Planned Parenthood is in the offing with Congress and Trump. And that one will likely succeed. :(

I just don’t “get” these folks. First, in another article on the Washington Post, Trump voters express surprise that he’s going to take aware the healthcare (ACA) that they depend on, and now, that he’s going to defund Planned Parenthood. The answer about ACA was, “Well, we didn’t think he’d really do it.”

Foolish and ignorant people who vote against their own interests get no sympathy from me.