
I have to say that while ProPublica did not observe any irregularities, if the systems had been hacked and had malware placed on them, then ProPublica wouldn’t have “observed” such an event or the manipulation that such a program could do. It would have changed a few things, a little bit at a time, in order to change

But did he? Or was it a narrative placed there by Ford?

Man, that guy craning his neck toward the blond woman in the first photo is totally unnerving!

Scientology, perhaps, is the divisive issue?

Is it wrong of me to hope for a total collapse of the Trumped Administration within the first 6 months of holding office?

It seems to me that there was a giant “burn it all down” reaction from working class voters, which included Democrats and Republicans. Add to that the disaffected Bernie Bros who voted third party, or simply did not vote, and that 53% of white women voted for their etnicity rather than their interests or gender, and

Quoting from a Whitney Houston song is definitely one of those gay “tick” giveaways. ;)

I can accept that Hillary lost. I can’t fathom the huge loss for women and people of color. It’s horrible. And I do blame Democrats who were closet Trump supporters. It says a lot about the state of our country. A lot. :(

She’s starting to look scary. Really scary!

I cut the cord several years ago. I’m not paying for crap I don’t watch. And I don’t want to subsidize those who do. If you like sports, great! You pay for it. But don’t as me to pay for something I will never watch.

Oh, are you folks going to get comments. Lots and lots of comments.

My Christian school back in the 70's required us to hand out these “God comics” to heathen at shopping centers and airports. Some of my favorites were his comics about the end times. They were downright imaginative! ;)

Here’s the easy fix: no university investigations. The evidence and complaint goes straight to the police (not campus police, real police). The charges come from the district attorney. Let’s see if these guys want to try to hide behind Title IX then.

Another fine police officer in training... :(

“Blake Wentworth” ??? That is such a rich kid name. (I’m probably wrong) But it seems this guy is trying to intimidate these women into shutting up. I hope he gets his comeuppance!

I think he’s watched Austin Powers a few times more than necessary. ;)

I have a feeling he was part of the “performance.”

It’s not performance art. It’s a dick move. And she’s an asshole who may be, actually, mentally ill as well.

I don’t know. I encounter it out here in LA all the time. People in their cars going 50mph in the left land on the freeway (interstate). It’s frustrating as hell. And they just sit there and sit there. Blink your lights. Honk your horn. Shout epithets. Doesn’t matter. They are oblivious to rules of the road.

Living in Los Angeles, I need to point out, as a faux sense of pride, that the ‘84 Olympics here made money. But we used existing venues all throughout Southern California. And that is probably what the Olympics should have been doing all along.