
I can’t really talk. This is wretched and put my stomach into knots. I think I’m just to lock my door, close my windows, and never leave my house again. All this vile talk by some on the right, and they probably don’t even feel bad about what happened because these were “awful” gay people. Well, I’m one of those

Wth? These cops are giving the NYPD a bad reputation! ;)

See, occasionally we Baby Boomers do something right! ;)

I have never seen a more “tantrummy” bunch of people like the BernieBros when they don’t get their way. You don’t even accept election results! What is it with you guys?

Never, ever, ever take your rape allegations to your university administration or university police. They are there to protect the university, not you.

Ken Starr was a tool and schmuck in the 90's, and a total hypocrite for going after the Clintons. It appears he was always an opportunistic hypocrite (asshole).

There’s nothing chauvinist about not wanting people to die in crashes. Sheesh.

So basically, the adults die and the kids are maimed, traumatized, or suffer brain injuries. :(

Seriously, who? I know the others, but not her.

Did anyone truly think Camille was going to do anything that interfered with her gravy train?

Troll alert.

And? So she’s in a convenience marriage. Does that disqualify her or something?

Now that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

This! ^^^^

So we’ve got a lot of down-on-their-luck, desperate people for Sanders (and Trump) now making threats. What could possibly go wrong?

Also, not just strippers, but licensed marriage and family therapists must pass fingerprinting and background checks by the Justice Department (FBI) before they can have their license, even after passing their exams. No one with felonies, sex offenses, and the like can be licensed as a therapist.

Of course there was a basis for them... the Republican party.

This is a really poor ad that will play well in the swamplands of America; in other words, the Republican base.

The Obama Administration was not surprised by this ruling with this particular judge, and had figured on an appeal anyway. But the gist of the administration’s argument is that Congress would not have approved subsidies without the implied permission to use funds from the Treasury to support those subsidies. I expect

Haven’t you figured out that most people who buy (stockpile) lots of guns have a major screw loose?