
The lawyers “reveled” to the judge? As in a celebration?

Total unadulterated bullshit

Stupid backwater tow truck driver using religion to mask his discriminatory actions. Who da thunk it?

Please, just let these phuckers secede. They haven’t changed their ways in 200 years, so just give them over to Satan already...

Well, it worked in Ally McBeal!

Excellent article.

Good. It’s fair and right to do so.

Guess I won’t be going to Alabama to visit my brother (he retired there) any time soon. I get enough grief on the West Coast from “regular” “enlightened” folks because I’m an older transwoman. I’m not about to try my luck anywhere else.

Don’t know if readers are aware of how one can get stuck in muddy, murky water to where you practically can’t pull your legs out of the mud. I wish the officers could have wadded out to get the kids out of the car, but I will give them the benefit that they may not have been equipped to help the kids, and may have

Well, that took you long enough to post, while all the networks had called it much earlier. Great job, Jezebel!

oops... their not they’re or there ...

Well, that’s an interesting turn of a phrase. Israel is not the most important component in this election. If it is for you, and you sit out the election because it’s Hillary and not Bernie, you are giving one vote for the crazy-pants Cruz or Trump, and they’re Israel policies are even worse. So consider your position

No. But I’m not voting about Israel. I’m voting about keeping Republicans out of the White House, and that seems a hell of a lot more important. Bernie or Hillary, either way, whoever gets the nomination is the one who gets my vote. My gut says it will be Hillary, especially after New York and California. Then it’s

If I said I was pleased with Hillary, I would be lying. I am not pleased with any of the candidates. To me, Bernie has only one song and one verse. He’s never led anything, administered anything, or been in an executive capacity. Ted Cruz is a religious wingnut who would impose his view of God above the Constitution

The problem with your revolution is it’s not got staying power because it’s aiming at one slim demographic. So good luck with that.

But you could say the same thing about Hillary. She addressed it. Move on. What a double standard you’re employing.

It’s kinda cute, as long as you don’t do it more than once per century.

Just don’t tell the Bishop.

This. ^

I am so sorry. What she did was like putting the knife in your gut and twisting it ever so slowly. It was beyond cruel.